Chapter: 2: Forever After

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God… This will be a great time for you step in and help me right now!

           What kind of world do we live in God when I am being mocked for giving you praise. The wicked watch me and beg their god for something bad to happen to me, their glares melt the armor you placed on me. They say your name in vain and laugh at your existence, their mouth quick to say and slow to listen. It was after the third period and I am a lunch with my friends.

             I waited patiently in line to buy lunch, and all around me are my peers discussing topics with one another. It was all one big sound and every time I tried to make it out it was too complicated, although it sounds like they were all saying one thing. I walk back to my table to have what I call small talk with my friends, and then afterwards we head off to class to resume learning. In the mean time I notice in my peripheral vision a girl dressed in boy Capri shorts, with a plaid shirt and converses, her hair tied back coming to our table, every step she takes towards are way is like you could feel the…. The intensity.             “You’re a Christian?”

              I was caught off guard with her question as to why would she want to know. Now that my full vision was on her, as she stood behind my seat at an angle, she was a few inches taller and muscular appearing. Without hesitation, I respond, with God, what can man do to me? I thought.  

                         “Yeah…” I say curiously.

               “So you worship a God that hates gays… Right?!” She said as she roared out the letter R and spit out the T in right. Her fist laid on our table and her other hand on her hip.

                       “My God loves everyone, no matter what--“

                 “God hates sin and if being gay is a sin, then He hates me.” She said cutting me off. Her forehead had a grow crease right in the middle with her eyebrows crowning in around her eye.

            “Sin is something that you do. He hates what you do, and hates the sin, but loves the sinner.” I say sitting up in my seat. I was facing forward and at the table across me, I could see a few girls at the table she came from staring back at me. All their looks had one thing in common. No mercy. I slightly slouch, back when I think about how this can quickly turn into an altercation.

“Being a lesbian is who I am and personally, I make out that this is who I’m bound to be. I have been a lesbian for my entire life!” She says, standing her ground and I did exactly the same.

               “Well, you’ve been mistaken and now you can go back to your friends and tell them what I’ve said.” I say darting my eyes at the table which made her look in the same direction I was as if I was pointing.

               “Pssh… Coward!” She sputters into my neck as her cool breath on my skin gave me goose bumps. I see her friends snickering at me as she walks back to her table; I feel the anger welling up inside me.

                     You’re better than this, Ava, I tell myself.

                 I experienced something like a chemical reaction when I was finally with my knight and shining armor. I was bubbling and fizzing with rage and he stepped in and calmed everything down like a wave, and all was well. I felt as though we were newlyweds, he swept me off my feet with his words that were the riches kindest. Being around him and hearing his comforting words turned my day upside down. I sometimes think that he literally came down from heaven and changed my life, I mean why not? Do not all good things come from above?

                      He held my hand and it was like we were in another dimension. He made my walk with Christ stronger; he is my rock that holds me together; he is who I come running to because he knows what I go through and he can sympathize. Not just because he can sympathize… no, he changes my perspective and how I view this world, which makes living, and bearing through easier. He straightens my path when my flesh gets the best of me. He is not close to being my savior, but I am more sure than anything that he would die for me. I’ve known James for so long and I can’t image being with someone else after he has helped me pay for my mother’s chemotherapy, after she was diagnosed with cancer and for her to get hospitalized at home just in case she didn’t make it, but with God’s grace and mercy she is cured. Now that she is better I can thank him even more.

                      James is the same age as me; he is 6 feet and 1 inch. He has broad shoulders, sugar, brown hair, and peppermint green eyes. His nose is narrow leading down to a butt chin, and writes with his left hand. When he walks, he always starts with his right then left leg. His favorite color is blue (as I predicted) and eats almost anything.

                    In my Physiology class we are to write what you know about your classmate and you can’t ask them anything, the group that has the most things wins extra credit; which I need. Guess it was my luck that I was paired up with my friend Courtney. This assignment is met to build our socializing skills; I seem to be able to write more things for my knight and shining armor. When it was time to turn in our assignment I handed what I wrote to James on his desk.

                He was paired up with his friend Heather. I usually get along with James friends, but he’s always told me not to bother with Heather, not that she would like me anyway. I was concerned about him, but he told me that Heather and he were more like acquaintances and only trying to bring her closer to Christ. This didn’t make me feel any better, I told him about my parents and how my mother was trying to bring my father closer to Christ and they ended up getting married, but he reassured me there was nothing to worry about.

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