Chapter: 18: Accomplishments

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                                                              Ava’s POV:

             "Thank you, Ms. Kinney." I say handing her back the forms I filled out for my Missionary Club that I was going to start soon.

              "No problem, Ava. Now here is the room number that we have available after school Tuesday thru Thursday till 5:30 PM. You know how important this is, being a student having to supervise other students in your Club, it that correct?"

              "Correct." I say, not giving it much thought.

              "Good, and also, any fundraising, field trips, and other supplies need for you Club you must contact and adviser, me that is, for permission." She says glaring at me to respond.

               "Yes." I say, giving her eye contact, and nodding my head showing that I understand.

               "Very well, any questions or concerns? This is a lot of responsibility, and not very much club leaders are fortunate like you are." She says, informatively.

               "What do you mean fortunate?" I ask.

              "Well, before we, and as in we I mean me, your principal, and all your period teachers consider your idea we look into your grades and behavior, before we get back to you."

             "Oh." I say, still thinking about all of this.

             "And what was it?" I ask, curiously hoping for an honest answer.

            "What was what sweetie?" Ms. Kinney says, curious as me.

            "Why'd you let me start this club, my idea or grades and behavior." There was a long pause ... well not long but an intense moment. Her eyes searched my face rather, deciding if she was going to tell me until she met my eyes and found her answer.

          "Oh, with all honesty, Ava ... We decided to do this, because of your behavior, you seem like such a nice, responsible student. Why wouldn't we choose you?" She exclaimed with a fake smile. I've seen Ms. Kinney really smile, and that's when the principal compliments her.

         "Oh, ok." I say, trying to play along and quickly make my way out of here. At least she told the truth and try to sweeten it up for me, I thought.

         I go back out into the halls where I meet up with Vivia.

        "How was it?" She asked, intrigued and a little nervous.

        "It went well! All I need to do now is make flyers and set up a date to start." I say happily.

        "That's good. When do you plan to start." Vivia asks, bearing.

        "Not sure, yet." I say shrugging my shoulders.

        "You alright?" I say looking at her with different eyes.

        "Whatdoyoumean?" She said, rushing her words, but with a straight face.

        "I dun no ... You seem different ...” I say, trying to express how I feel.

        "Different how?" She says, with her eye brows narrowed.

        "Like ... You’re hiding something ...." I say in a lower voice, just in case I'm making a mistake.

        "No, I'm fine." With a fake smile, reassuringly.


                                                  James POV:

          This moment is the moment I have been waiting for, for weeks. Heather has recovered a lot more during the past week, which the doctor's say she will be waking up in less than 24 hours. Its 6AM in the morning and the sun is has risen, even though the blinds were closed, light was beaming through in between the cracks.

         I held Heather's hand as I waited for her to wake, she's breathing more and more by the minute, and that's when her eye lids start to move. She blinks twice or three times before gazing down at are hands together, and then back up at me.

       She lets out a sigh and speaks.

      "What happen?" She says exhaustedly.

      "You had a seizure ... You’re going to be alright though." I say.

      "How long was-- I out?" She asked her voice cracking.

     "Two weeks ...” I say simply, not making it a big deal.

     "Damn ..." She says, laying her had back down.

     I laugh a little.

     "What about my parents?" She asked more alert.

    "They know what happened." Is all I say.

    She rubs her hands on her forehead the same way she did, in the car before she got a seizure. She opened and closed her eyes, as if she was testing her vision.

    "Are you okay?" I asked, keeping my eyes on her.

      "Yeah ... I can't wait to go home." She takes away her hand from her forehead and places it on her flat stomach, and quickly pulls it away.

      "Soon." I say, acting as if I hadn't noticed.

      "Good." She says, in a shaky tone, while looking of her shoulders.

      "Doctors say that the seizure occurred from symptoms of abortion--" She yanks away her hand from mine and pressing them against her face, saying "Shit."

      "Just tell me why you would lie to me." I say a little hostile.

      "I don't want to do this now, ok, just go! Leave me alone so you can be with Ava-- It's what you want isn't it!" She says raising her voice higher than mine.

        "Is this what this is about, Heather? So you can keep me with the guilt of you carrying my child?! What were you going to do when you got to 9 months?! Adopt a baby that isn't either of ours?!" I say in a yelling whisper.

       "Just-- Just-- GO!" She says crying, with sobs that sounded like hiccups. It hurt to hear her cry like this, I was crying with her on the inside that maybe she did this just to be loved like the way I love Ava.

         I was now on my feet when the nurses came in, they told me to leave, and pull me away when I didn't budge. I wanted to say something to Heather, something worth understanding that I didn't mean to hurt her. But it was too late; I was already exited out of the room with the door closed in my face.

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