Chapter: 10: Manipulate

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                                                                                           I wake up to another day and the primary thing that’s always on my mind is James. I wasn’t sure how a day devoid of him would be, perhaps similar to the days when I never knew him … But that was so long ago I can’t remember.

                                                                                                After taking a shower and getting dressed I, Vivia, and Courtney went down stairs to eat breakfast. It felt weird having them here, I wasn’t use to having this much people over … but they were just filling in for what is now misplaced in my life. Everyone was talking apart from me; I occupied myself with the food in front of me.

                                                                                          We headed to school and Courtney asked if I wanted to hang out with them, and I said I’d be ok. I was going to head to the band room and when I reached the doors, I remembered I only went there since James was always practicing with his horn, and I quickly left. I now was heading to the art room, but I couldn’t since James and I were working on a project there that requires two people. I had nowhere to go, nowhere that I did things on my own, because James was all I knew when I started high school. I made friends, but I hardly did anything with them other than hanging out outside of school.

                                                                                                      I made my way to second hour since yesterday I completely missed out on the whole lesson, when my whole world turned upside down. I refuse to replay yesterday, because this is today, the future, and yesterday was yesterday and I can never change it. That’s the Christian thing to do, to bury the hatchet and move forward and don’t look back because that isn’t where I’m heading.  I walk into my second hour not really looking around the class and head towards my teachers desk.

“Hey Ms. Meaning I missed out on class the other day and I was wondering do you have any make up work that I can do?” I say, in a pace tone.

“Oh yes! It was you and Heather …” She says realizing both of are absence. Hearing her name created a bursting pit in my stomach, so I took a deep breath in releasing the stress.

“Here is the worksheet and … pick a desk to sit at there’s plenty!” She exclaims, and I force a smile.

                                                                                    I turn around to find Heather sitting at desk in the back rows, and I dropped my eyes to the ground when she looked up at me.

                                                                             I just took the closest seat to me which was in the front. I get started on my work, but my mind is racing as fast as my heart with mix emotions of hurt and afraid. Afraid because I failed to replay the moment and my confidence dwindled away.

                                                      Heather’s POV:

                                                                                    I couldn’t believe that a-hole didn’t tell

Ava about us. He made me think that in the end it would be me and him, but he failed every time so I took matters into my own hands. He was trying to leave me ever since I told him that I was carrying his child, so I did what I had to do, but he is so twisted and manipulative that I wanted to hurt him just as much as he hurt me, even though I got rid of the child, I lied about still being pregnant.

                                                                                    I was willing to do anything to pry his little deceiving hands away from her and closer to me, as long as he thinks I'm pregnant he'll have no choice even if he was mad at me for telling her, now that that's done.

                                                     James POV:

                                                                                I have a proposal to make to Heather, but

I’m not sure if she’ll except or probably think I’m crazy for doing this, but I’m hoping she’ll see it the way I see it. I got the money from my college savings since it was so much money that if I were to ask my parents that would give way without asking questions. I want to keep this between her and me, I know this won’t fix anything, but at the end we will always have each other.

                                                                                      I can’t manage to keep Ava out of my mind everything sweet, kind, and loving just reminds me of her. I realize deep down inside I love her way more then I love Heather even though she fails to consider my needs as a man, and I want to make it up to her. Something bigger then my apology and something that will make her forgive me, but nothing on this earth can fill up those needs. I just know that I can’t spend a day without hearing from her or seeing her.  

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