Epilogue: Happy Ever After

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          After reading that letter, I think it has given us all relief and peace of mind. It was perfect, something that we all needed to move on from this tragedy. I loved that fact that my father kept the faith and said that we would meet again ... and meet we will. My mother kept rereading and for the first time in a long time she stopped crying and cleaned around the house. Dawn suggested to stay around for mom's sack instead of moving out, but mom convinced him not to and since my semester is over I would be home.

          We sat at the table while steams coming from are coffee mugs surround us with its sent. It was silent at the table, but a good type of silent. We were just happy to be in each other’s presence, because before we weren’t always all together, but my father’s sting of death has brought us together the way it use to be, but different this time since he isn’t here.

          We all take sips out of are mugs and all are faces show signs of satisfaction when we do.

          “I should have told you this sooner, mom.” Dawn speaks softly into the silence.

          We look up at Dawn and wait for him to continue.

          “I’ve been dating this girl named Mercy for … sometime, and I think it's time for her to meet the family ... Oh and including hers.”

          “How long have you been dating?” My mother says the word dating as if it's the first time she has ever said it.

          “We've been off and on and I've know her for a year ... and I have been dating her for ... 5 months” He says.

          “Huh.” Is all she says, probably taking this all in.

          “So, what’s she like?” Mother says, persistently.

          "You'll have to see for yourself when she gets here." Dawn smiles brightly up at her, and she gives him a glare, I can't help but to smile. The silence falls again and I can't help but to look at my mother, a smile is stretched out upon her face and tears fall from her eyes. She laughs softly to herself and when she notices I'm looking at her with an awkward smile, she laughs even louder. She whips away the tears on her face and takes a deep breath in.

          "Your father was a good man and I will never forget how he stole my heart and gained my trust. I remember I use to think that he was someone I would never associate myself with, now I'm thanking God everyday for him like I was being overpaid with his blessings that I shouldn't have earned. He did everything to prove to me that he was changed, and changed he was ... I-I will never forget-- that." She sobbed out and smiled, it was like she was lighting up right in front of us; she looked like the most happiest person on this earth. 


                                                           Future Accomplished


          After spending the greatest college years of my life doing what I love and who I do it for, I wanted to share my story. I will be meeting up with my editor in a few hours and I needed something to tie off these experiences with a happy ever after or a happy ending.

          I sat under a shaded tree watching from afar my brother, his wife, and the new addition to the family sitting on the porch swings. Anyone can see that they are happy together, and that it seemed impossible that they could be torn. Most things people don’t know is that every family has their flaws and there is no such thing as a perfect one. When people look at me and all my past pain, the way I am now is not what they expected me to be. I took my life and gave it all to God the one who is the driven force behind it all.

          I jotted down this and my editor pulled into the drive way, stood up to meet with them and waved to my brother and sister-in-law from across the street. I watched as a figure in a black BMW leg stepped out the driver’s door with black men’s dress shoes and tuxedo pants. When he finally climbed out of his car from grabbing something on the passenger’s seat, he had on a regular blue polo. His hair was dark brown and his hazel eyes met with mine. He was quite tall and fit, which made him slightly intimidating, but not until he smiled.

          He met up with me up on my porch were I stood, and I had to look up at his face to see him.

          “Hello, you must be Ava Ransferd?” He said, like a common gentle men, but pronounced my last name incorrectly.

          “Raincferd.” I say, politely.

           “Raincferd.” He exclaim, raising his eye brows.

          “I apologize.” He added.

         “Non-taken.” I said, the same tone as before. I couldn’t help, but to look at his gorgeous eyes staring into mine.

          “So … Are we going to start then?” He ask, hesitating.

          “Oh, right.” I say not changing my tone, because I knew exactly what I was doing.

           Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24


                                                                                  The End


I want you all to comment on anything you want more out of this story and I will post it under deleted chapter's, your request will not be ignored, I will add it all!!!!!!!! SO COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW! Thanks for reading!!!!!!! :D

I have a new story out and it's called:  Who Fished For You?, it's not another sequel, but check it out! And Don't Forget To FOLLOW :)

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