Chapter: 11: Old and New

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James POV: 

                                                                                         I came to school less early than usual, and now I regret ever stepping into this place, the minute I’m in a hallway someone’s staring at me. I walk with my head down avoiding eye contact and when I’m a few feet away from my locker and I glanced up and I see Ava. Her locker has each time been next to mine ever since we were in high school together, no matter what floor we were on. Her hair was up which allowed me to see those beautiful green eyes that popped with her light brown hair and those to die for cheek bones. When I look down to her lips covered in a light pink lip gloss, I remembered what it felt like against my own lips. I watched as she grabbed her books and put some away, she turns her head towards my direction. She didn’t exactly look up at me but she knew I was there, and she turned again and looked up at me. I wanted her so badly to love me once more and be with me once more like it used to be. We glared into each other’s eyes for a while and we both could tell there was still love and longing to be with each other again. She quickly turned her head and walked away, that deteriorated my heart. 

                                                                                         I make my way to my locker after she has left, and I could smell the sweet berries perfume she wears barely circulating through the air and I take it all in. I quickened my pace to get my things for class to avoid the stares and the gossip. I meet up with Heather before going to my primary hour, and when the moments finally here I hesitate, and so first, I explain everything before proceeding to what I’m about to do. 

“Hey, we need to talk.” I start off, while attracting far off from other students. 

“What is it?” She says, questioningly but not pushy like she usually is. 

“I was thinking a lot yesterday, and I came to a conclusion that no one has to find out, and if you already told someone like your parents we could say that it was a mistake--.” “What are you saying James? Spit it out.” She says, irritated. 

“I have a couple hundred bucks if you want to--, to get an abortion and if you want to keep the baby that’s fine to, I don’t mean to sound like a jerk or anything …” I mumble and when I look up into her eyes it seems as though she’s at a loss for words, what do I do not? I say to myself. 

“Oh …” She says stiffly. 

“I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree …” She mumbles. 

“What do you mean?” I ask curiously? 

“I’m keeping it, I can’t let you off that easily, and then you’ll just run off to Ava, as if she’ll ever take you back.” She says rolling her eyes. 

“That weren’t my attentions …” I say offended. 

“Oh then what was James?! Your asking me to give up our child, you don’t want it, and you don’t want me!” She says in a harsh tone. 

“I’m tired of all the fighting Heather! Why can’t things stay the way they are? Why do you have to make things go your way?” I say trying not to be insensitive. 

“You think I MADE myself get knocked up?! Maybe this whole thing wouldn’t have happened if you actually loved me and it wasn’t so damn hard to get your attention. Why can’t you just love me the way you love her and forget about her?! Is being pregnant with your child not enough?!” She says with angry tears falling down her face, I reach to hold her hand, but she raises her hand in disgust. 

“Don’t touch me!” She says through her teeth. She walks off, speed walking down the hall and as I watch I wonder do I destroy everything I touch? 

                                                        Ava POV: 

                                                                                Seeing James again brought so much feelings and questions, but I must stay firm even though part of me is dying to have the old him back. God I don’t want to wallow in the past anymore help me move on, I pray. 

                                                                                      I walk to first hour and when I turn in to the hallway where my class is I see Courtney in the halls with her arms wrapped around a guy’s neck. He is pretty tall maybe around 6 feet and 2 inches, his hair is cut so that the front is longer then the hairs in the back and slicked back with gel, perhaps? And dyed jet black. He has on leather pants and boots and a tight white shirt showing his abs. He has a snake tattoo from his arm is the tale leading up to his neck which is where the head is. Courtney looks so fragile and small against him that I’m afraid he might break her. 

                                                                                       It’s Michael?!Why didn’t she tell me he was going to school here now? Is she still mad about last time? I think to myself, as I stroll pass them to class and I walk in without them even noticing me. 

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