Chapter: 5: Luck

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This Sunday morning I and my family went to church after a long difficult week, it was finally here. I got dressed in my favorite lime green v-neck dress and wore my favorite lime green pearl necklace and bracelet. I curled my hair leaving it down the way that James likes it. I make it down stairs for breakfast on time this time, that’s just because I planned my outfit the night before. When I get down my mother is just beginning to place breakfast on the table. She’s wearing her white lace dress and her gold cross earrings and necklace that dad gave her with her hair in a bob. I could tell that it has grown much more after losing it from her chemotherapy. By the looks of it for breakfast she has made waffles, eggs, sausages, and biscuits. When she notices me in the room a smile spreads across her face.

                                                                “You look beautiful! Turn around let me see your curls.” She says with the same smile in her voice. I do a slow 360 around and then back again.

                                            “You look beautiful.” She says as if this is the first time she has said this.

                                                              “Thanks.”I say smiling back.

                                                              “Morning!”My father says coming down stairs from behind me. He’s wearing his normal suit and black and white tie, and later my older brother comes in behind. His hair is brushed in the same direction almost all the time that he barely has to put a comb through it. He’s wearing his suit and blue tie, when he sees me he gives me a face.

                                                              “What?”I ask out of curiosity.

                                                                 “What?! What was that?! I can’t hear you over that dress!” He says shouting at me and being intolerable. I roll my eyes.

                                                              We all sit at the table together and my father also compliments my outfit and my mothers. It’s my brother’s turn to say grace and we all join hands in prayer. Good thing he can’t annoy me by doing that.

                                                               “Dear heavenly father, thank you for this meal and bless our mother for her effort that she put into making this meal. Amen.”

                                                                  “Amen.”We all say.

                                                                   While we start eating my father brings up that he has to go out of town for his business and help introduce products with his boss in order for them to grow in stocks. It’s the first time he has been out of town which means he might get promoted. We all are excited for him and we plan to celebrate after church.

                                                                    After breakfast we head to church. When we get inside, the timer is on the overhead saying there is 5 minutes till church starts. My mother and father chat with their friends for a while and my brother goes off to be with his friends. I sit alone looking through the sermon notes that we will take today. I look up when I see James begin to take a seat next to me and I move over just in case he doesn’t sit on my dress.

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