Part 26 I can't stand them

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Wither's POV 

We slept in the morning as we did have sex twice yesterday and nobody didn't notice it Herobrine knows we're both sleeping in as he and Miss Rexi are both okay with it since we did look after the castle when they're gone. 

Skeleton's still snuggling my body making me smile as I hold him tightly as I gently bring the blankets closer to us keeping us warm in bed I open my right eye to check on him I smile when I notice the blush on his cheeks.

I close my eye as I smile more we cuddle more in bed as we're both still sleeping but, when it's after 30 minutes after 11am in the morning I open my eyes. 

I'm still very tired from yesterday I know that we need to get to bed on time I gently place my right hand on his side and gently shake him to wake up. 

Skeleton open his eyes slowly as we smile at each other I chuckled when I notice he's blushing really badly when he notice my smile "You really like that yesterday huh~?" I ask with a smile. 

"Yea we should really do that again~" Skeleton said still blushing really badly. 

I smile at him as I gently place my right hand under his chin "We'll do that again some other day but, right now we just need to relax but, next time I won't do it too hard since you like it..." I said softly. 

Skeleton blush more as he nodded we both smile we lean in gently as our lips met and we started kissing on the lips we both love this feeling so much that I even started blushing. 

We kiss for a while before we gently pull away as we both smile as we're blushing really hard I cover my blush with my hands in embarrassment Skeleton chuckled as he's seeing my reaction to my blush. 

I felt hands on my hips I look over and notice but than I notice it was Skeleton who has his hands on me he brings me closer until our lips met as I put my hands down. 

My eyes widened as we're kissing again as Skeleton have close his eyes I also close my eyes kissing him back gently we kiss for a while before we gently pull away but, our lips are still very close. 

As we're staring into each other's eyes Skeleton flips me over until he's on top of me my eyes widened as my heart is pounding like crazy from this Skeleton leans in until I felt his lips on my. 

He close his eyes as he's kissing me Skeleton is blushing as I started blushing red I close my eyes kissing him back I gently wrap my arms around his neck making him blush more. 

We gently open our mouths and slid our tongues out before we wrap them around I unwrap my arms around Skeleton's neck as I started moaning into the kiss. 

Skeleton pin my arms down as he's also moaning into the kiss as well we kiss for a while before we gently pull away with a lot of saliva out of our mouths we panted really hard. 

I gently wipe the saliva away from our lips as we panted more Skeleton gently lay himself on my body as he's panting on my chest. 

I gently wrap my left arm around his body we stare at each other with a smile "I love you Wither..." Skeleton said softly as he's snuggling my chest. 

"I love you too my Skelly..." I said softly as I watch Skeleton closing his eyes as he's falling asleep on my warm chest. 

I use my hacks to put the blanket on us before I close my eyes also falling asleep I didn't notice that I got a text message from Enderman saying: 


'Wither, I heard from Pigman and Zombie saying things about you and Skeleton, I don't know how you're gonna react but, you better be ready for it I don't know what they're gonna do but, Florence, Creeper, and Slime are keeping an eye on things I hope you're doing okay with your boyfriend Skeleton, I know you guys are sleeping in so I don't wanna bother you guys but, you guys wanna check for your selfs and see what's going on I'll see you guys later' 

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