Part 43 My Promise

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Wither's POV

"Skelly listen to me..." I said softly as he's getting more worried about me than before I gently lift his head using my right hand under his chin.

"Wither, I'm just worried about you what if you pass out..?" Skeleton ask softly his eyes filled with worry.

"I'm not gonna pass out before I leave I'll kiss for as long as we want just to keep me from passing out okay..?" I ask softly.

Skeleton nodded he's been worrying about me for a few hours until I decided to talk to him about this I'm being very gentle with him to try and explain him about this that he didn't need to worry about me.

As long as Herobrine, Miss Rexi, Ivan, Bella, and Star are with me I'll be okay I'm not sure about Pigman or even my own best friend I haven't see him in a while or even like days lately I don't know what's got into him.

I started thinking of what do to I did make my decided to let him stay in the castle but, I wonder if the demons are gonna come towards the castle without protection.

"Wither are you okay..?" Skeleton ask softly I look up at him noticing he's worried about me I haven't said anything for a few minutes.

"I'm okay Skelly is that I really don't wanna leave you but, I have too for this fight I'm in..." I said softly Skeleton nodded understanding me.

I sigh before I look at my boyfriend's eyes "I'm gonna take us into a room so no one can't hear what I'm about to say..." I said softly Skeleton nodded as I take his hand and walk to a room.

As we're walking I gently warp my left arm around Skeleton's back and my right hand holding his right hand as I'm holding him close to me "I got you Skelly you're safe with me..." I said very softly Skeleton nodded as getting more scared.

We went pass Pigman and Zombie they both notice us "Good luck breaking up with him!!!" Zombie said shouting Skeleton heard that before he looks at me.

"Don't listen to him he's just being stupid..." I said softly making Skeleton smile he knows I'm right about that.

"Once the battle is over Wither, I know someone is gonna have a word about you!!!" Pigman said shouting at me.

I shook my head as we kept on walking until I found a room where no one goes in I open the door and we both walk in it was pitch black inside the room "I can't see..." Skeleton said softly as he's holding me tightly.

"I know, I know it's okay..." I said softly using my hacks to lit up the room luckily we can see each other I lean my back up against the wall as Skeleton is in front of me I look up at him as we're staring at each other.

"Skelly..." I said softly.

"Wither..." Skeleton said softly.

We both stare at each other with our eyes filled with love and worry at the same time "I'm...I'm scared Wither, I know I'll be protected by one of our friends but, I don't wanna lose you..." Skeleton said softly as he's looking down.

I sigh understanding him before I look up at him "Skelly look at me..." I said using my softest voice Skeleton lift his head up until our eyes met.

"I know you're scared but...don't worry...I'm always with you my Skelly..." I said softly Skeleton's eyes widened from the softest of my voice.

"You're my little Skelly, I won't let anything happened to you..." I said softly still using my softest voice Skeleton notice in my eyes that I felt bad for him I hate seeing him like this he's my boyfriend and I love him to much that I don't want him to be upset.

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