Part 7 The hug

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Wither's POV

That day it's so warm out some of us went outside and some are staying inside I know some of my friends can't go outside like Florence Kingsley she can't go outside because she can't stand the heat she's very sensitive to this weather.

We can't blame her Florence always like the cold like I said earlier she we born in the cold place and she always love it their until something happened to her family but, she still loves the cold even when it's very cold out she'll still go out.

Now, Skeleton he can't stand the cold he's very sensitive to it I don't know why but, I never ask him he loves to warm which I don't blame he loves my body because my body is always warm and when it's cold out my body doesn't turn cold it always stays warm.

The sun rise up on a warm day me and Skeleton are cuddling as we sleep but, when the sun light is on us Skeleton groan when the sun light is on him I groan too but, I gently rub my eyes to wake up than my eyes open but, when the light is to bright I squint my eyes cause if the light.

I use my right arm to cover my eyes to block out the light in my eyes I also groan in pain because if it Skeleton heard my groan in pain a little bit he open his eyes he notice that I'm covering my eyes because if the light Skeleton gently place his left hand on my hip to comfort me "Are you okay babe..." Skeleton ask softly his voice sounds like he's worried about me.

I carefully move my arm a little bit to look at Skeleton "Yea..I'm okay is that my eyes just hurt that's all..." I said softly Skeleton felt bad he never see me like this before I thinks if what to do until he has an idea he scooch closer to me I look at him I don't know what he's gonna do Skeleton gently leans in and kisses my left eye that is close I gasp but, I relax putting my arm down I smile at him and I close my right eye.

I love to feel his kisses on me it feels so relaxing it lasted for a while before Skeleton gently and slowly pull away I open my eyes and we stare at each other and we both smile "Thank you Skelly..." I said softly Skeleton blushes when I said that I love him "Your welcome Wither..." he said softly we both smile we love at each other so much.

I gently place my right hand under Skeleton's chin Skeleton know what this means he loves it we slowly lean in and we kiss on the lips we sign when our lips met before we pull away for a bit Skeleton scooch much closer to me until our bodies touch and we started kissing again Skeleton wraps his arms around me I warp my left arm around around as we kiss.

We kiss for a long time before pulling we both blush red because our lips smacked after we pull away the kiss our mouths open as we panted after the kiss "I love you Wither~" Skeleton said blushing very hard "I love you too Skelly~" I said also blushing very hard I know we love kissing each other but, we can't help it.

We gently lean in again with our mouths open and our tongues warp again kiss and we started moaning as we're kissing and moaning we move closer and we hug each other Skeleton gently place his left hand under my chin I moan when I feel that we're still moaning as we're kissing it felt so good when our tongues warp around.

We kiss for a long time before pulling away with thin saliva out of our mouths we both panted until we both smile we lightly kiss on the lips before pulling away we both let go each other before I sit up and Skeleton also sit up we both smile at each other "Come on let's go down stairs..." I said.

"Okay..." Skeleton said I stand up from my sleeping bag Skeleton blushes with the light from the sun shins on me I turn to him I notice he's blushing I chuckled Skeleton blushes more "OMG, You look so good..." he said blushing way more.

I chuckled "I know I am..." I said turning my body towards him and stretching out my right hand which Skeleton take gently placing his left hand on my right hand and I gently help him to stand up we hold each other's hands for a bit staring into each other's eyes "I love you Wither..." Skeleton said smiling at me I smile back "I love you too Skelly..." I said before we gently let go of our hands.

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