Part 41 My hard Decision

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Wither's POV

It's been a day after our date and Skeleton really loves me now I couldn't blame him he's just so cute I love every moment with him. 

But, one day I heard that the battle is coming soon I lean my back against the wall before I slowly sit down on the floor thinking about my decision to leave Skeleton behind. 

"How is he gonna be okay with Pigman and Zombie around him..?" I ask to myself as I'm thinking really hard with this until I heard someone coming into the room I look up and notice Skeleton standing in front of me. 

"Are you okay Wither..?" Skeleton ask softly. 

I nodded as I look down "Yeah, I need to talk to you about something..." I said softly Skeleton nodded as he sit next to me he gently warp his arms around I smile at him before hugging him back gently. 

We hug for a while before we gently pull away "I thinking about my decision to tell you that you need to stay here when I'm fighting with the demons but, I don't wanna see you get hurt by them again..." I said softly. 

Skeleton snuggle my chest "I know it's hard for both of us but, it's hard for you because you have to go and fight..." he said softly as he's looking at me I nodded as I understand him. 

I gently place my head on his making him blush with a smile "I really don't wanna leave you but, I have too but, promise me you'll be okay..." I said softly. 

Skeleton looks at me as we stare at each other "I promise Wither..." Skeleton said softly I smile at him as we hug each other very tightly. 

"I love you so much Wither, I hope you'll be okay..." Skeleton said softly as he hug me tightly. 

I gently rub his back "I'll be okay my Skelly..." I said softly. 

I gently pull away and gently place my right hand under his chin we gently lean in and started kissing each other I sigh into the kiss as I gently press my lips against his we kiss for a while before we gently pull away. 

After a few minutes later me and Skeleton started walking together gently holding each other's hands I was looking for Herobrine but, than we saw Pigman and Zombie "Oh look do we have here right Skeleton..?" Pigman ask evilly. 

I bring Skeleton much closer to me as we kept on walking "Yeah you better walk away Skeleton once this is all over I'm gonna hurt you so badly that you won't forget it..." Zombie said also evilly. 

Skeleton look down sadly I felt bad for him I hate them both so much until I stopped walking Skeleton look up at me he notice my eyes turn green "Stay here..." I said softly he nodded before I walk towards them. 

Pigman and Zombie both started laughing until I show up making them shocked "If you lay a hand on him I'm gonna punch you so badly you'll get a black eye that will last for a decade if you kept on talking..." I said coldly to Zombie. 

He stares at me in shock "Hey you better watch it Wither you know I can protect him right he is my best friend anymore he's ma boi and we both have each other unlike you..." Pigman said. 

"You better shut the lip up Pigman, I don't know what we did but, I don't care you and Zombie call me a stupid hacker but, I think you're really stupid from saying it towards me face..." I said coldly before teleport away before they can say anything else. 

Skeleton is waiting for me until I teleport right in front of him making Skeleton jump in shocked but, he notice me smile "Don't worry Skelly, I took care of it..." I said softly making him blush badly. 

I gently hold his left hand and started walking again we both smile at each other before we found Herobrine, I took a deep breath before exhaling as Skeleton gently rub my back gently using left hand. 

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