2. | The beach. |

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I watch the cigarette slowly burn between his fingers. Looks hot. He keeps glancing at me and smiles every time.

- I  feel awkward when you look at me like that. - Tom smiles again.

-Sorry.-I feel my face start to burn at my cheeks and look away.

-It's okay.

He drops the burnt out cigarette on the ground and adjusts his ring.

- Where are we going?

-I don't care.-I shrug.

-Okay. Get in the car and let's go.

I listen to him and immediately get in. After getting in, Tom turns on the radio and presses the accelerator pedal and starts driving. I let the wind blow through my loose hair. Peace of mind.

Is that how it feels? Is it being with a stranger and escaping the hell at home?

I look at my phone which starts to vibrate. Ryan. I reject his call. A few seconds later I get a message.

Ryan: where are you? We need to talk and you're not home.

When he sees that I have read it, he starts calling again. I turn off my phone and sigh.

-Is everything fine?

- Everything is fine. - I answer calmly and lean my head back after closing my eyes.


- The beach? - I ask getting out of the car.

-Not a good option?

- No, it's good. - I smile and after taking off my sneakers, I walk barefoot through the warm sand.

The sun has recently begun to set, the wind is gently caressing my hair and the waves are washing the shore. I go to the water and let the cool sea touch my feet.

I'm surprised when Tom runs into the water in just his underwear and dives. After a moment he emerges and laughs loudly.

-Come on, join in.-a wide smile decorates his face while he fixes his hair.

I bite my lip. It's cold.

I look at Tom and his eyes that are calling out for me to join. Damn it. I quickly strip down to my bra and underwear and run into the water. After diving under it, I smile and quickly emerge. I laugh out loud with Tom and fix my hair as well.

I lay down on the water and float calmly.

Peace of mind. Is it when you're floating on water with a stranger you've only known for a day?

I don't notice how quickly time passes. But I know that I accidentally got a few sips of water during the water fight and that my jaw is shaking uncontrollably. When I get back to the shore, I put on my jeans and tank top. I take the shoes in hand and after Tom gets dressed, we go back to the car.

After cleaning my feet, I put on my shoes and close the car door.

- Let's go warm up. - Tom smiles as he gets in and starts the engine.


We walk into a cute little diner and sit in a booth that's further away. A waitress comes up to us and gives us our menus, leaving right after saying she will be right back to take our orders.

I take a look at the menu and my eyes get caught on some cast pancakes with ham and cheese. The thought of them just makes my mouth water.

-Have you decided on what to eat?-Tom asks as he looks up at me.

-I'm thinking about the pancakes with ham and cheese.-I smile.-What about you?

-Good choice, they're probably the best in the whole city.-Tom laughs a little and i join him.-I'm probably just going to get the same.

-Good choice.-i repeat his words and put the menu down after also picking out a drink.

The waitress comes back up and takes our orders, smiling the whole time.

-It will be ready shortly.-the old lady smiles and nods, while grabbing our menus and leaving us.

-So...-Tom clears his throat, making me focus on him.-We don't really know about each other that much, just our names.

-So what, we're going to play 21 questions?-I laugh a little too hard. The game brings so many cringe worthy memories that it makes me shiver.

-Not necessarily. We could just ask questions about each other.-Tom shrugs his shoulders a bit awkwardly and i get red in my cheeks realizing he probably wanted to just say the games name and I embarrassed him.

-Sorry.-I say as i put my cold hands against my burning face.-You can go first.

-So...-He looks around and then looks back at me.-Does a pretty lady like you have a boyfriend?- he asks in a silly accent and positions himself weirdly.

We both laugh at his actions. He is so weird, but i like that about him.

-I do.-i sigh.-Do you have a girlfriend?

-Fortunately, no.-He smirks.

The whole evening goes by with us just asking questions about each other. I found out that he has a twin brother named Bill, he's 20, comes from Germany, which i could guess by his accent, lives alone and prefers to be single. To be honest, that made my heart tug a little. But i quickly dismissed that, reminding myself that I am in a happy relationship.

-Well it was nice spending time with you.-Tom says, as he pulled up to my house.

-Likewise.-I smile and take off my seatbelt.

-Would love to spend more time with you, Dakota.

-As i said before Tom, I'm always free.

I don't notice how the distance between us gets smaller. But when he starts looking at my lips and playing with his piercing I giggle and kiss him gently on the cheek.

-Goodnight, Tom.- I say as i get out of the car.

-Night, Dakota.

I walk up to my house and wave at him, before he drives off. When i get inside i quickly take off my shoes and run up to my bedroom. When i fall into my comfortable bed i sigh from happiness and once again smile like an idiot.

Tom Kaulitz, what are you doing to me?


Welp this is the second part, hope it's not boring, cause there def will be some action:)


Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now