33. |Snow fights and hot cocoas. |

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-Tom, I swear to God i will kill you if you throw that damn snowball at me!-I yell out and try to run away.

It was the end of november and it finally snowed. Bill couldn't stop giggling like a child, enjoying the snowball fight he had with his brother. They tried to make me join, but from school i knew how hard the guys throw a snowball. I had many bruises from that and i didn't want to relive that again.

-Oh come on, liebe!-Bill walked up to me and hugged me, placing his hand on the back of my head and making my face submerge into his wet, snowy coat.-It's just snow!

-Bill, back off!-I yelled annoyed and pushed him off.-You're wet and cold and I'm already freezing my ass off!

-Come on, we will go to the cabin later and enjoy the warm fireplace.-Tom walked up to me and smiled, brushing away a loose hair strand from my face.-Bill will even make the best hot cocoa for you!

I smiled but then remembered something and furrowed my brows.

-How the hell will he make the best cocoa if he hates chocolate?

They both look at each other and then nod. And from that i knew i had to run. But of course, that would be impossible. Bill grabbed me immediately and held me in place, while Tom grabbed some snow of the ground and put his hands over my head. To say i was pissed was an understatement.

-Now, will you play snowball fight with us, liebling?

I gave Tom a death stare and he laughed.

-I guess that's a no...-he trailed off and thought for a second before speaking up.-Would you like to go to the cabin today, though?

I nodded and he smiled.

-Will you at least make snow angels with us?-he looked at me with pleading eyes and i sighed, saying yes.

-And will you build a snowman?-Bill places his head on my shoulder while asking and once again i reply positively.

-I think we should let her go.-Tom nods at Bill and smirks.

When i feel Bills hands let me go i smile, but it immediately disappears when Tom dumps the snow on me. When he sees my reaction, he starts to back up and immediately apologize.

-I'm sorry! It looked like you needed to chill!

-Oh you're so funny!-I fake laugh and grab some snow from the ground, forming it into a ball.-Let's see how funny you are when i shove this snow ball in your face!


-I'm fucking freezing.-I mumble out as i get in the car, feeling my whole body shiver.

-Me too.-Bill whines and jumps into the back seat, putting his seatbelt on.

-Can we go already?-I ask in an annoyed tone and Tom looks at me with his eyebrows raised, hand frozen on this car key, almost turning the engine on.

-Not in that tone.-He smirks and i could see that he's freezing too.

-Tom if you don't start the car and get it warm i swear to god i will kill you!-Bill yells out and Tom immediately starts the car.

I guess he's afraid of his little brother. It made me giggle a bit, making Tom look at me with a confused look on his face but i just waved my hand at him to look away.

When we finally arrived at the cabin, all warmed up from the car, Bill and I started complaining.

-It's so cold here!

-Yeah it's even warmer outside!-I chimed in.

-Turn the heater on!-Bill yelled at Tom.

-Light the fire place!-I whined and laughed from how annoyed Tom was.

Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now