18. | The truth. |

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-So, I just left to go somewhere else.-I shrug and light up another cigarette.

-You need to stop smoking so much, it's going to kill you.-Maggie looks at me with a displeased look.

-Says the one who also smokes.-I roll my eyes and she sighs.

-Are you sure that Jack is a real friend?

I shrug once again.

-She was with me the whole time, Tom. She never left the house.

-And why should i trust you?-i asked her, raising my eyebrow.

-Because i have no reason to lie. I can see that you like her and i can see that she likes you too.-She grabs my cigarette pack from the railing and lights one up.-I want my best friend to be happy and she was with you.

-You just said two reasons why you would be lying.-I breathe out the smoke.-You're her best friend and you wan't her to be happy. Is she happy playing with peoples feelings?

-God, Tom, you're just like her.-She groans annoyed and looks at me.-I know it's hard for you to trust people, but like i said, I have no reason to lie to you.

I put out my cigarette on the club wall and trow it further away. Looking at Maggie I inhale deeply.

-How long have you know Jack, by the way?

-Like a year or so. Why?-i ask, a bit confused from her question.

-Can you show me a picture of him?-She asks, putting her cigarette out and throwing it away, before grabbing her phone and looking for something in it.

-Sure, i guess.-I shrug and grab my phone, looking for a picture of Jack on it.

Realizing that I don't have it, i go to his facebook and show her the picture.

-I knew something was weird about the whole situation!-she yells it out and i look at her really confused.-Look!-she shows me her phone and i see Jacks facebook profile.

-Okay. You have him on facebook so what?

-Look who's on his friends list!-she points with her finger to where you can see what mutuals friends the person has.

I furrow my brows when i see Ryans name.

-Ryan knows him?

-They're friends, you idiot!-she yells out.- They used to hang out all the time!

My mouth opens slightly from feeling shocked.

-They probably planned this whole thing to make sure you and Dakota definitely wont try anything anymore!

I purse my lips and gritted my teeth hard.

-I'm going to fucking kill him.-My hands form into fist, but before i could do anything, or go anywhere, Maggie grabs my hand.

-Tom, let's go back inside.-She looks at me pleading.-You both need to talk.

I relax my hands and body, slightly hunching over.

-I can't Maggie.-I sigh, looking at her big brown eyes.-I hurt her, i saw you both at the mall and how she reacted from seeing me. I don't know if she would forgive me, she said she doesn't trust me already after everything before.

-Just try, Tom. She misses you as much as you miss her. Maybe even more.-she pulls my hand slightly.

I think about it for a second and finally nod. Maggie smiles and pulls me towards the entrance of the club and we go back to the bar where Dakota looked really bored. When she finally notices Maggie, she lights up immediately.

-Finally, where have you...-she stops for a second, her cheerfulness disappearing in a second.-been.

Her eyes dart from me to Maggie a few times before speaking up again.

-What the fuck is this?-she asks, looking hurt just from seeing me. I knew i should've tried another day.

-Dakota, let's go outside and talk, please.-I ask her, trying to gently grab her hand but she immediately pulls it away and stands up.

-No, get away from me!-she yells out.

I could see tears forming in her eyes. She looked so hurt that it even hurt me.

-Please, Dakota. It's all a big misunderstanding.-I try to get closer to her, but she backs away.

-Step one more time to me and I swear to god i will punch you! And you!-she points towards Maggie.-You knew how bad he hurt me and now you're friends with him?! What the fuck Maggie?-She cries out, tears already spilling from her eyes.

I feel my heart break a little from the view.

-Dakota, listen to us, it's all a big misunderstanding, you both need to talk and listen each other out!-she yells back at her.-You know i would never hurt you, I want what's best for you!

-What's best for me?! What's best for me right now is not him!-she now points at me and i could feel my heart sink from her words.

I was once her comfort, but now it changed and I feel so mad at myself for it. I wish i could turn back time, not leaving her all those times, always being there for her and not crushing her trust with me.

-I'm leaving. You both can stay here.-Dakota hisses and grabs her purse, quickly walking away, leaving us both in shock.

Maybe it's for the best. Maybe I'm not the best for her and I need to leave her alone. She's hurting because of me and I can't deal with that. I need to leave her alone and not hurt her anymore. It's the best option, as long as she's not hurting, even if i will be, i will still be happy for her.

-I need to go after her. I'm sorry, Tom.-she says, grabbing her stuff with shaking hands.-I'll try to talk to her.

-Don't.-I say bluntly and look at her.-I can't keep hurting her like that, I hurt myself because of it. She needs to have someone who makes her feel safe and happy and that's you. - I sigh.- I'll see you around.

I walk away from her, standing in shock, and leave the club. I can see Dakota sitting on the curb, crying.

And once again my heart breaks a little, seeing the pain i caused her.


Well damn.
Ig they ain't getting back together in this chapter...🫢
But they will soon, I didn't forget my promise;)

Hope y'all having a good evening or day🫶


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