34. | Snowmen and ice skating. |

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I groan from how stuffy my nose is and try to take a deep breath through it, but that doesn't work. And after a second, I realize that I'm drenched in sweat. I rubbed my eyes and opened them, only to be met by Toms face a few centimeters away. He was still hugging me tightly, just like when we fell asleep. And he was also, drenched in sweat.

I made a disgusted face and tried to pull away, but he hugged me even tighter, barely letting me breathe.

-I swear to go, Tom, if you don't let me go i will punch you.-I groan and he opens his eyes, furrowing his brows.

-Why are you so wet?-He asks with a confused tone.

-It's sweat. You're also sweaty.-I roll my eyes and pull his hands off of me.

I got up from the bed and opened the window slightly to let some fresh air in. When the air hit my nose i immediately felt it unclog and i could finally breathe like a normal person.

-We should take a shower or something.-I yawn out, while stretching.-Cause you definitely smell sweaty.

-Excuse me?-Tom looks shocked at me.-You smell sweaty too.

-I know, that's why i said we should shower.-I roll my eyes and walk to the closet to get some new clothes.

After visiting this cabin so often i had decided to leave some clothes here. So i had plenty of pants, sweaters, shirts, underwear... well all type of clothing here. I grabbed some new underwear, a sweater and sweatpants, and headed to leave the room for the shower.

-Wait for me!

I turned around and saw Tom jump out of bed and get some new clothes from the same closet. He then walked up to me gave me the clothes. I looked at him confused, but he just smiled widely and lifted me up bridal style.

-Tom what the hell!-I yell out and laugh, he joins in for one too.

-Shut the fuck up!

My smile immediately disappears and i look at Tom, who looked like he was shocked too.

-You don't have to be so rude!-He yells back to Bill, who groans loudly.

We rolled our eyes and walked towards the bathroom. When Tom finally let me down, I placed the clothes on a cabinet and turned on the shower, letting it warm up. We both got undressed and stepped in. I sighed as the warm water hit my body. I brushed my hands from the top of my head, to my shoulders, letting the water completely soak my hair.

Tom hugged me from behind and kissed my neck, resting his head on my shoulder.

-You're so beautiful.

I turn to him with a smile on my face.

-I love you, Tom.

-I love you too, Dakota.-he smirks and grabs my shampoo of the shelf, pouring some into his hand and lathering it, before applying it to my scalp.


-Please tell me you didn't burn the eggs this time.-I sigh deeply.-The whole cabin smells like it's burning.

-I didn't! Well i did...-Bill trails off and rolls his eyes.-But i threw those away and cooked some new ones and you can check yourself. They are perfect.

I walked to the small kitchen island and checked one plate. Seeing that the eggs are actually not burnt, i grabbed the plate and walked to the sofa, slumping down on it and starting to eat my breakfast.

Tom joined a second later and grabbed a random plate off the island, which made Bill groan loudly.

-Du Arschloch!

Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now