14. | one of his games. |

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The next day.

After talking with Tom, making him realize that killing Ryan is a pretty dumb fucking idea, even if he didn't actually mean it, we decided i'll just act how I already am with Ry and pray that he get's tired quick enough to just dump me.

I changed my phones password just incase he decides to go through it. And I continue my... friendship? with Tom, trying not to arise any suspicions to Ryan.

I sigh as i get out of my bed and got to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After showering and brushing my teeth I smile and take a deep breath from how good i feel.

-Today is going to be okay.-I tell myself as i look in the mirror.

My phone starts ringing and i run back to my room to answer it. I look at the contact and smile as i see Toms name.

-Hi.-i say when i pick up the call.

-Good morning, Sunshine. Do you have any plans today?-Tom says and i could feel that he is smiling.

-I don't think so.-I mumble as i look around my messy room, immediately cancelling the plans i had on cleaning it.

-Well when should i pick you up? Is 2 p.m. okay?

I smile like an idiot.

-Yeah, that works for me. Where will you be taking me?-I ask as i pick up the clothes from the floor and throwing them into a basket. I think i will have enough time to clean up.

-It's a secret. Get ready, don't get too dressed up, dress comfy okay?-he asks and laughs a little.

-Sure, dad.-i roll my eyes and laugh too.

-You know, if you called me dadd...

-Tom!-i raise my voice a bit.-That's disgusting.

-I'm joking, Honey.-he starts laughing again, this time a little too hard.-Go get ready, I'll pick you up by the corner store at 2, deal?

-Deal.-i bite my lip while smiling and end the call.


I groan when the washing machine starts playing music, telling me that it's done washing my clothes. I had just laid down on my bed after cleaning my whole room.

I got up and unloaded the washing machine, taking the wet clothes to my room and hanging them on the drier. I look at the clock on my wall and curse to myself seeing that it's 13:27.

I quickly grab some baggy jeans, a tight tank top and get dressed, before sitting down in front of my vanity to do my makeup. The time quickly passes by and at 13:55 i walk out the door, making sure i locked it and walk to the shop we agreed to meet up.

When it's 14:10 i start to get worried. Tom is always on time. I light up my cigarette and keep patiently waiting for him. But when the clock hits 15:34 i bite my trembling lip and take a deep breath through my nose.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

He might've just gotten busy unexpectedly and couldn't text me to let me know. He will text me later. I know it.

No, i fucking don't.

It's not okay.

I light up another cigarette and slowly walk towards a park near my house. I find a bench, thats the most further away from the center of the park, where barely any people walk and sit down on it.

Should i text him? Maybe he did accidentally forget or actually got unexpectedly busy?

No. He couldn't have forgotten. Could he?

Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now