28. | Surprise visitor. |

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The conversation i had with my parents, after Ryan had left, was pretty awkward. All five of us were sat at the kitchen island and were drinking coffee or tea. I still hid out many details on why we broke up, which made them confused by the whole story, but they eventually gave up their interrogation.

-Well, the cake is in the fridge if you would like some.-Mom looked at the twins and nodded towards the fridge.

They both thanked her, before she and dad left the room.

-You guys want some cake?-I look at them and they nod quickly, looking like little children.

I stood up and walked up to the fridge, getting the cake out of it. It still had the candles on it, which made me smile a bit. I put the cake down on the island and turned around to grab a knife to cut it. When i turned back, Tom and Bill were lighting up the candles with their lighters.

And then they decided to sing.

I blushed hard, putting down the knife next to the cake and covered my cheeks with my cold hands.

-Make a wish!-Bill yelled excitedly, when they were done with the song.

-But I already made one.-I mumbled out.

-Doesn't matter. Make another one.-Tom stood up from his chair and walked towards me, only to pull me closer to the cake.

I smiled widely and pulled my hands away from my face, blowing the candles out.

-What did you wish for?

I looked at Bill and shook my head, reminding him that you can't tell what wish you make, unless you don't want it to come true.

-That's annoying.-He rolled his eyes and crossed his hands under his chest.

-So... you want some cake?-I ask again, grabbing the knife and already cutting a slice.

-It's chocolate cake.-Bill scoffed.


-He hates chocolate.-Tom laughs, putting his hands on my hips as if supporting me.

-Well his loss.-I shrug and put the slice for my self into a plate that was already place there before by mom.-And you? Do you hate chocolate too?

Tom sighed and slightly nodded.

-You both are weird.-i rolled my eyes, walking away from Tom and grabbing a teaspoon to eat my cake with.

-You're the weirdo.-Bill gave me an annoyed look.

-Look, we can go get some cake that's not chocolate later, deal?

He smiles and takes a sip of his coffee.

-Your mom might cook the best waffles, but you make the best coffee.-He smirks at me and Tom gently slaps him on the head.

-Stop flirting with my girlfriend!

-Girlfriend?-i ask, with my mouth full of cake.

Tom looks back at me a bit shocked and blushes slightly.

-Awh! He's blushing, Dakota! Look, he's blushing!-Bill points at Toms face and we both laugh.

Toms face quickly changed into slightly annoyed, but he had a little chuckle with us too.

-So...-Tom started.-Would you like a club or a house party?

-Club.-I quickly answer, swallowing the last bite of cake.-I'm tired of house parties.


The music was blasting loudly, mostly my favorite songs. Tom payed the dj some money to do that and i was really grateful for it.

Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now