16. | the one that hurt me. |

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I furrow my brows from the movement somebody is causing to my body.

-Dakota, wake up!

-Five more minutes.-I mumble out, trying to cover my face with the blanket.

-Dakota, your parents are home.-Maggie pulls the blanket away and shakes me even more.

-So what?-i ask angrily, still with my eyes closed.-Not like you haven't met them and slept over at my place.

-I know, but even after all these years of knowing you, i still feel awkward when i wake up first and they're home! What if i get thirsty and got to the kitchen and need to say hello to them?!-She pulls me towards her and i finally open my eyes, getting a headache immediately from how bright the room is.

-Just say hello to them.-I laugh at her and rub my eyes, then my forehead, trying to get rid of the mild headache.

-Just please wake up and stay with me!-she begs and shakes me gently this time.

-Okay, okay, I will.-i sigh and pull off the blanket completely.-Shit.-sudden realization hit me.-I have to hide my cigarettes buds.

-Really? You went out smoking without me?-she rolls her eyes at me and i giggle.

-What was i supposed to do? Wake your snoring ass up and drag you out for a smoke?

-I don't snore!-she raises her voice a bit.-And yes, you should've done exactly that!

-Okay, next time i will.-i laugh at her.

After cleaning up my balcony and having a late breakfast with my parents, Maggie decided she wants to go to a mall to buy a swimsuit.

-Seriously?-i groan annoyed.-You take forever in stores!

-I'll be quick this time!-she whined.

-You say that all the time.-I murmur under my breath and grab my bag with my keys.-Come on, let's go, you're driving.

-I'm the only one out of the two of us that has a drivings license, miss.-she rolls her eyes and stands up quickly, making excited noises after realizing that we will actually go shopping.

I smile to myself, feeling a little happy that she drags me out of the house, even if it's for shopping, not letting me rot in my room.


-What do you think?-she asks, once i open her changing rooms door slightly.

I would lie to myself if i said I wasn't drooling over the sight. Maggie had a deeper red tone bikini on, with some gold chains dangling from the top, complimenting her dark skin tone.

-I guess that's a yes!-she laughs a little and poses silly.

-You look really hot.-I smile wide at her.-It looks perfect on you.

-I know.-She winks and pushes me away from the door, closing it in front of my nose.-Go find yourself a bikini or I'm not leaving from here!

I roll my eyes and giggle a bit from how silly she is.

-Fine! But once i find one, we're immediately leaving!

-Not after we pay!-she yells back and i walk away still smiling.

Walking around the store i try to look for something that catches my eye, but the neon bikinis make it difficult from how bright they are. Quickly turning from them i notice a simple black bikini, with some silver accents and walk closer to it. I bit my lip really thinking about it and finally decide to just grab my size and try it on.

Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now