41. | Christmas. |

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I smile politely at Natalie, who thanks me for her cup of coffee.

-It's so nice to see you back, sweetie.-she says, taking a sip from the cup.-Did they ever caught the dirty bastard?

-I'm afraid not.-I sigh.-I can't remember most of the night, the whole thing was a blur and that did not help the police at all.

-Well i hope karma gets him back.-she shakes her head.-Your little boyfriend was seriously scared when you disappeared.

-He was?-i ask, raising my eyebrow and drinking my own coffee.

-Yes, he ran in looking terrified.-she says, some shock on her face.-And when i said you weren't here, he ran out so fast, the dust from him where still in shape of his silhouette.- she giggles a bit, making me join in for a laugh.-But on a serious note...-she suddenly stops giggling.-He's a keeper. He went out by himself, looking for you, not worried about the dangers.

Oh, Natalie, i wish you knew the actual story, that is even more dangerous.

-Yeah, I'm lucky to have him.-i give her a faint smile and she nods.

-He's lucky to have you too. I can see and tell what a catch you are.-She winks.-Everyday he visits you and i see him drooling...

-Natalie!-i raise my voice slightly at her and she laughs.

-You got him wrapped around your finger.

-I guess i do.-I smirk and see Tom walk in with Bill.

-I should go, the detective books won't read themselves.-Natalie winks and walks back to her table.

I sigh, putting down my coffee and immediately start brewing the twins some.

-Well hello there beautiful, you got a boyfriend?-Tom says it in a silly accent, reminding me of our first night out.

-Yeah, but he's lame.-i roll my eyes and smirk.-I think i should dump him and date you instead.-I wink at him and he rolls his eyes, chuckling to himself.

-Hey, my liebe.-Bill waves at me and i wink at him, giving him his coffee, then Toms.-Danke.-he smiles and takes a sip of it, almost moaning.-You still make the best coffee.

-She does.-Tom nods, almost chugging the whole cup.

I pay for their coffees and we go sit down at an open table.

-Christmas is tomorrow.-i speak up.-Do you plan in visiting your dad?

They both nod, continuing to sip the coffees.

-Would we make some time to visit my parents too?-i ask, some hope inside me.

-Of course, Sunshine.-Tom reassures me and grabs my hand, gently rubbing my knuckle with his thumb.

-Thank you.-I smile at him.-But what about your mom?

-Well since you're getting time off the next week, we thought about visiting her for a few days?-Bill asks, raising his eyebrow.

-I'm down.-i shrug and finish my coffee.-How was work?-i ask both of them and they groan.

-Don't even bring it up.-Bill shushes me, while Tom nods, agreeing with his brother, and i giggle.

Bill started his new job today. He's working in a clothing store and decided to dress up. During his break, he kept texting me to complain how he had to wear basic clothing, his heels were killing him and that he wants to quit. And by the looks of it, he wont be wearing heels at work anymore, since he has simple boots on.

-Well, time for me to clock out.-I sigh out of relief and stand up, walking to my little work space.

I cleaned up as fast as i possibly could, cleaning the cups that the twins and other customers brought up, took off my apron and clocked out, while putting on my warm coat.

Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now