17. | Business and clubs. |

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A week later.

-Maggie, you got water in my eyes!-i yell at her, quickly rubbing my eyes, trying to get the dirty lake water out of them.

-You're so not fun.-she sighs and starts swimming around me, pretending to be an alligator or maybe a shark.

-I am fun, but you splashing dirty water in my eyes is not fun!

-Oh shut up and let's play mermaids.-She rolls her eyes and dives into the water like a real mermaid.

I laugh at her and decide to join.

This week has been better. I mainly spent my days with Maggie, she also decided to sleep over as much as she can, which was almost the whole week. She's the best thing that has happened to me and I'm glad that when i was a toddler she walked up to me and asked to play with my dolls.

-Okay, we need to go back.-I manage to cough out, while choking on the disgusting water.

Maggie quickly nods and walks with me back to our towels. I grab a bottle with water, rinse my mouth with it, before actually drinking it.

-You're weird.

-How am I weird?-I look at Maggie confused.

-You keep complaining that the water is dirty, but still swim in it.-She shrugs her shoulders.

-Yeah, clean enough to swim in, not to drink or get in your eyes!-I say annoyed and she rolls her eyes.

I lay down on the towel, close my eyes and get comfy to lay for at least twenty minutes in the scolding sun to warm up and get even more tanned. We spent the last week basically living near the lake, after we bought our swimsuits. I got a pretty good tan now, but wouldn't mind getting a bit darker.

-We should go to a club.-Maggie says out of nowhere.


-We've never been to one, just parties at our friends houses. We should actually go to one!

-Sure.-I shrug my shoulders, still with my eyes closed.

-Today!-she shrieks and i open my eyes.

Her hands are near her sides or more like her chest, shes shaking them from excitement. I sigh, realizing that i would actually have to go to one. Today.

-You know how much I hate you?-i ask her, looking away and closing my eyes again.

-Not as much as you love me.


-You need to change those shoes.-Maggie looks at me with a death stare.

I look down at my white sneakers and look back at her.

-I would rather be comfy dancing my ass off in sneakers, than be limping after ten minutes in heels.-I say to her and she sighs.

-Fine, at least I'll look sexy.

-I look sexy even in sneakers.-I make a funny face at her and she rolls her eyes, trying to hide her smile.

-You definitely look sexy in that dress.

I was wearing a tight red silky dress. Maybe the shoes looked weird, but like i said, i'd rather choose comfort over pain.

-I know.-I wiggle my eyebrows looking at her and she laughs.

She ties a few braids back, giving almost a half up, half down hairstyle look and looks happily at herself in the mirror.

-You're ready to go?

-I am.- I sigh and grab my small purse.

When we arrive at the club I start to feel uncomfortable. Too many people and not enough space. Maggie grabs my hand gently, pulling me towards the bar and orders us shots.

-I wish there weren't that many people!-I yell out to her and she rolls her eyes.

-It's a damn club, what do you expect?! Now drink up!-she grabs a shot and drinks it.

I sigh and grab one too, drinking it quickly. An uncomfortable shiver goes through my body and i make a disgusted noise.

-Did you buy the cheapest shots?-I ask her.

She nods and drinks another one. I quickly drink one too, to keep up with her. After a few more shots, the drink finally kicked in and i felt more comfortable. I grabbed Maggies hand and dragged her to the dance floor.


I slowly sip on my drink, looking around the club. I couldn't see that many peoples faces from how dark it was, only when some lights flashed upon the dance floor.

I came here only to sell the pills i had. I already made my goal for today, but still had half of what i brought with me and I wasn't planning on leaving with it. I chug the rest of my drink and wipe off my lips with the back of my hand, slowly getting away from the wall i was leaning against on.

After 30 minutes i sold everything i had, except a few pills, which i wasn't too mad about. I could just take them myself and have the best time of my life.

A bright blonde girl caught my eye. And i already knew who it was. My breath got caught in my throat and i immediately looked away. After getting a grip, i looked back, but she wasn't there. Did my mind play tricks on me?

I sigh and walk to the bar and order a drink. Some laughs get my attention and i turn my heard towards the sound. And there she is. Sitting at the bar, laughing with Maggie. She was wearing a tight red dress, her hair was messy, she wore sneakers, which made me snicker, but she still looked beautiful.

After ordering a glass of whisky i chug it and decide to go towards them. Dakota couldn't see me, since her back was turned to me, but Maggie saw me and her face was displeased. I stopped in my tracks and gave her a questioning look, to which she shook her had as if saying no and nodded towards the exit door.

I pressed my lips into a thin line and nod, walking away from them. After getting outside, i light up a cigarette and let myself slowly enjoy it before calling a cab. The club door opened a few times during then, some people left, some just came in. I didn't expect to see Maggie in front of me, looking pissed off, her hands crossed under her chest.

-What are you doing here?-she asked with her voice full of anger.

-Business. You?

-Business, huh?-she scoffed.-Don't you have teenage parties to do business at?

-More clients here.-I say short and blunt, inhaling my cigarette.

She shakes her head.

-Give me a cigarette.

I raise my eyebrows at her and she just rolls her eyes.

-I forgot mine in Dakotas purse.

I nod and pull out my pack, opening it and pointing it towards her. She grabs one and i give her my lighter, which she gladly uses. After inhaling a few times, she finally speaks up.

-So what the fuck is wrong with you?


Oop🫢 someone's about to find out the truth...

I can't stop writing chapters, someone stop me pls.
But just a lil spoiler - Dakota and Tom will make up soon:)

Also lmk  when is it better for you when i upload the chapters! Like with this part (which is evening for me) or like when i uploaded the one before this (which is midday or smthng close to that)

Hope you had a great day🫶


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