26. | Hangovers. |

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I jolt from sleep, when i feel a heavy weight hit my waist. My eyes immediately open and a sudden pain hits my head, from which i close my eyes. After rubbing my head gently, i slowly open my eyes and look at my waist, only to see Toms hand lay there. I look back and see that he is dead asleep, with his mouth slightly open. I smile a bit, but frown quickly from the intense headache.

Then a sudden realization hit me. We're in my bedroom. My. Bedroom. How did we even get here and where the hell are my parents? Did they see us come in? Were we quiet enough to not wake them up?

I carefully removed Toms hand from my waist and sat up, only to get shocked again. Bill was sleeping on the ground with a tiny blanket and my sweater folded up into a pillow. I giggle quietly from the sight, but get even more scared realizing that i had came home with the two of them and that's even worse if my parents had seen it.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower, before putting on a loose tank top and sweat pants. My bedroom door was locked, so i unlocked it and silently walked downstairs to the kitchen.

-Morning, honey!

I furrow my brows from how loud my mom was speaking.

-Morning, mom.-I mumble out.-Where's the pain killers? My head hurts like hell.

-I'll get them for you, you just sit down. Did you go to a party?

I nod, adding that it was some close friends birthday and finally take a good look at the kitchen. There was some breakfast made, some coffee brewed and mom, who was acting like a teenager in love from a movie, prancing around looking for the pills, finally finding some. She put the pain killers in front of me and i thanked her. I reminded myself that Tom and Bill need some too, so i just grabbed the whole packet and stuffed it in my pocket.

-When did you come back? I didn't hear you at night.-Mom asks, putting some breakfast into a plate and placing it in front of me.

Some waffles with berries. Tom and Bill probably would like some breakfast too.

-It was pretty late.-I shrug my shoulders and smile, realizing that she definitely did not see the twins.-Could you perhaps put some more waffles for me?

She looks at me suspiciously and i just shrug my shoulders.

-My stomach feels like the black hole.

She nods and puts some more waffles on to my plate. I stand up and grab the biggest cup i could find and fill it up with coffee.

-I'm going to eat breakfast in my room, I don't feel the best.-I say to her and she nods, waving her hand for me to leave.

I grab the plate in my free hand and quickly leave the kitchen, basically running to my room, and of course almost falling down the stairs. When i enter my room, i place the waffles and coffee on a table and go back to the door to lock it.

I turn around and go to Bill, who was still peacefully sleeping like his brother.

-Bill.-I whisper quietly to him and shake him a bit.-Bill. Biiiiiiill!

-Was zum Teufel willst du?(what the fuck do you want?)

-First of all, i don't understand what the hell you are saying and second, i have some pain killers, coffee and waffles.

His eyes immediately opened up and he sat up, only to groan in pain and fall back on the ground. I rolled my eyes and pulled out the pain killers from my pocket. I popped two pills out of the packaging, giving one to him and one to me, before standing up and grabbing the coffee from the table. After i drank some, to wash down the pain killer, i gave it to Bill, who thanked me and did the same.

-Now let's wake up Tom and have some breakfast.

-No need to.-Tom sat up from the bed and i looked at him a bit shocked.-What? You both are very loud, you know?

I rolled my eyes and offered him some pain killers, but he declined, saying that his head doesn't hurt at all.

-Good for you.-Bill rolled his eyes and stood up with difficulty.-I think Toms couch would have been more comfortable, than your damn floor, Dakota.

-Well I'm sorry that i don't have a second bed just for you, Bill.- i rolled my eyes too and grabbed three waffles, giving two of them to Tom and Bill.

-These are really good, Dakota. How did you even manage to make then with a hangover?-Tom asked, mouth full of waffles.

-My mom made them.-I mumbled and they both laughed too loud, making me shush them.-Speaking of my mom. How the hell did we get to my bedroom and not wake up my parents?

-We climbed up the balcony.-Tom shrugged his shoulders and Bill sighed heavily.

-I think my back hurts more from the fall than from sleeping on the floor.-Bill rubbed his lower back and groaned in pain.

-You fell?-I tried to hide my giggle by covering my mouth but it didn't help.

He gave me a death stare, but quickly looked away towards the table, walking to it and grabbing the huge mug with coffee.


I sighed, looking at the job offers on my computer. Nothing was interesting or they were asking for too much work with not enough pay.

-You know you don't have to work?-Tom came up behind me and hugged me around my shoulders.

-As if i will have enough money to support myself by not working.-I rolled my eyes and put my hand on his arm and gently rubbed it.

-I can pay for everything.

I looked back at him with my brows furrowed and shook my head to the sides.

-Hell no. I don't want you taking care of me and spending money.

-Why not?-he looked at me confused.

-Tom, we're not even officially dating and plus it would make me feel really uncomfortable. I really appreciate that you care, but i'm going to have to decline your offer.-I smiled a bit, resting my cheek on his hand and he rolled his eyes.

-How about this?-he looked at the screen and pointed at it.

I looked to where he was pointing and saw a post about someone looking for a barista in the local library.

-It might be fun.-I shrugged and sent out my cv.-Let's hope they call me.-I smiled, looking up at him and he nods, leaning in for a kiss.

-I'm still here guys!-Bill speaks up loudly and i roll my eyes at him.-What? You're too sweet and it's disgusting.

Tom throws up his middle finger towards Bill and kisses me softly, making me melt in my chair.


Just got back from work and feeling tired as shit, but decided to post a new chapter for yall since idk if i would be able to do it later🫶

And once again i couldn't decide what song to add, so have ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PICS OF TOM LIKE DUDE IM SO OBSESSED I CANT I WANT THIS MAN SO BAD.

Hope yall are having a great day🫶


Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now