21. | Finally. |

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-Ryan, let go off me.-I mumble, trying to pull my hand out of his grasp.

-Come on, let's go.

-No.-I aggressively pull my hand from him ant take a few steps back.-I don't want to sleep with you.

-It's been months since we last fucked!-he yells out and tries grabbing me, but i back away again.

-Don't touch me! Get away from me!-i yell back at him and walk away back into the party, blending into a crowd of people.

I carefully search for a more quiet corner, where i could sit and not be found by Ryan. Once i find an empty armchair, I tiredly sit on it and close my eyes trying to sober up.

Summer is about to end and Maggie had already left for college. Ryan won't leave me alone. And Tom... haven't actually seen him since the club, or heard about him since the amusement park. Or even heard from him.

Maggie left a few days ago. It was a sad day, it even rained. We of course spent the day before doing activities that she wanted to do and later on went to a party and got blackout drunk. The morning after was difficult for both of us - emotionally and physically. Being hungover and depressed that we had to part our ways. The evening was more difficult, I cried my eyes out until no tears were left to shed. I couldn't imagine a life without her and now she was gone for college. She promised to visit me, but even that is not enough for me.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, completely forgetting i had mascara on. Cursing under my breath, I stood up and searched for a bathroom. When i finally found a free one, i closed the door behind me, making sure to lock it.

I fixed my makeup and brushed through my hair with my fingers, to make it less messy, but it was no use. I bit my lip when i looked at my reflection in the mirror, horrified by the view. I looked tired. My skin was a bit pale, even though i got a bit of a tan, bags under my eyes, my cheeks had sunken in and there was no life in my eyes.

Annoyed, I rubbed my face and turned away from the mirror. Out of my jeans pocket i grabbed my cigarette packet and lit one up with the lighter i had in my other pocket. I smoked slowly, enjoying the peace i had in here, but it was disturbed by a knock.

-Occupied.-i yelled out and rolled my eyes.

I thought the person left, but then the knocking started again. Annoyed, i threw my cigarette into the sink and poured some water over it. I unlocked the door and aggressively opened it. But froze when i saw the person who was knocking.

He stood there also in shock, looking at me.

Tom was standing in front of me and I couldn't move. I couldn't decide what i wanted to do. Push him away and run? Hug him?

We stood there for a minute looking at each other. He looked somewhat the same. The braids were still there, just braided differently, a bandanna, his piercing, baggy clothes. But he looked also different. He looked tired, bags under his eyes and just like me, there was no life in his eyes.

He suddenly walked closer and pulled me in for a hug. And for the first time in a while i felt peace. I felt happy and full, not empty.

-I missed you so much, Sunshine.

-I missed you too, Tom.-i barely spoke up, choking from tears that suddenly appeared.

-Please come with me. Let's leave this place.-He pulled away, looking me in the eyes and wiping my tears away.

I nod quickly, but stopped him before he tried to walk away, holding my hand.

-Ryan is here. We need to be careful.

-Don't worry, I'll take care of it.

He pulled off his jacket and put it over my head, making sure I'm covered and won't be recognized.

-I don't know if this is going to work.-I mumble and look at him with my brows furrowed.

-It will, trust me.-he chuckles and i join in for a laugh.-Now let's go.

He grabbed my hand gently, pulling me out of the bathroom, through the hallway and finally, through the outside door. We quickly walked to his car and sat in it, but Tom did not start the engine.

-What are we waiting for?-i ask confused.

-My brother.-He grabs his phone from his pocket and types something. Probably a text.

We wait for a minute and someone leaves the house. I immediately recognize who it is.

-Tom, why the fuck we are leaving the...-He immediately stopped his sentence as he saw me.-Dakota! Hi, darling.

-Bill, shut up and get in the car. We don't need attention.-Tom rolled his eyes and Bill nodded, opening the cars back door and sitting down, buckling up.

-Hi, Bill.-i turn to him and smile, holding out my hand for him.

He gently grabbed it and shook it, also smiling.

-Now let's leave this shitty party.-Tom said, before backing out and driving away.


A wave of happiness washes over me when we arrive at the same cabin, where all of the good memories were made. I slowly get out of the car and walk to the lake, enjoying the beautiful view of it. The moon light up the woods, illuminating the lake. The stars were visible here, not like in the city, making me feel weirdly calmer.

A pair of hands snaked around my waist and i felt my skin shiver up from the feeling of how warm they were.

-Enjoying the view?

I nod, answering Toms question.

-I wish we could stay here forever.-i mumble, turning around and hugging him around his neck.

-Me too.

Suddenly a huge splash is heard and i feel some drops land on me. I quickly look back and see Bill enjoying the cool water like a little kid.

-Join in, love birds!-Bill yells out, calming down and waiting for us.

I look back at Tom and he playfully rolls his eyes, before backing a few steps away from me and starts taking his clothes off. I giggle a bit and take off his jacket, my shirt and jeans, messily throwing them on to the grass.

Tom grabs my hand and on the count of three we run into the lake water. I squeal from how cold the water is and immediately feel myself shivering.

-Holy shit.-I mumble under my breath, trying to control the shaking.

-It's fine, you baby.-Bill rolls his eyes and splashes me.

I looked shocked at him and splash him back.

-Oh you want war?-He looks at me with a devilish smile.

-Bill, let's not forget I'm on her side and you'll lose.-Tom chimes in.

-Hey, that's not fair!-He yells out annoyed.

-Sounds fair to me.-I laugh a bit and look at Tom, slightly nodding, letting him know we will attack Bill.

I turn back to Bill and smile sweetly to him, before splashing him. Tom joins me and the water fight officially starts.

And once again I feel my heart warm up from the happiness and peace I'm feeling just from being with Tom.


I hope some of y'all are happy cuz ya got what ya wanted🤭
I promise there won't be any more dumb breaks.
Well...😈 jkjk...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter🫶


Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now