20. | Bumper cars and new friends. |

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A month later.(i know I'm skipping a lot of time but it makes sense to me, sorry guys)

-Dakota!-Maggie squeals and i turn my head to see her.

She had two cotton candy sticks in her hands and was walking like a little kid towards me. The sight was quite funny, but also completely adorable.

-Thank you, Maggie.-I laugh a little, when she gives me one of the sticks and i immediately tear some off and stuff my mouth.

She nods and starts looking around the park. I guess for some fun rides.

-Please, don't eat too much of the cotton candy, go on a ride and then feel sick and yell at kids that you're gonna throw up on them.-I beg her and she laughs like a maniac.

-That's the plan!

-You know how much i hate you?-i ask her and stuff my mouth with more cotton candy.

-Not as much as you love me.-Maggie wiggles her brows and smiles at me.-Now come on, i think i found the perfect ride!

I sigh heavily and follow her. When we walk up to ride i gulp loudly. This is not gonna be fun.

It was one of those rides where everyone are sat basically in a circle and then swung side to side, higher and higher, while the circle slowly turns.

-Come on, there's no line!

I felt Maggies hand grab mine and pull me towards the booth to pay for the ride.

-Maggie i don't want to, please.-I whine and try to pull her back but she just gives me a death stare and i give up.

When we buy our tickets, we were immediately sat down on the ride and i gripped the metal handles with all my strength. And soon the ride started.

It was slow at first, and did not get us that high, but when it went faster and higher i started to scream.

-Maggie, i fucking hate you!

-Don't lie, you love me!-she screams back and laughs once again like a maniac.

A few minutes later it slowed down and i thought we were done, but i thought wrong.

-Why is it going again?! Maggie, why is it going again?!

-It's supposed to be like that, calm down, Dakota!

-I swear to god, once we get off I'll throw up on you!-i yell out and grip the handles tight again.

After it finally ended i walked off with my whole body shaking and feeling sick.

-Never again. Never fucking again am I going to a god damn ride with you!-I yell at her pissed.

-Oh come on, it was fun.-she teased and then suddenly went a little pale.-Oh god i think I'm gonna throw up! Where's the damn bathroom!-She yells out and some kids start to scream and run away from her.

She quickly runs to find a bathroom and i look around for a bench to sit down and try to collect myself. When i finally find one i slump down on it immediately and feel the sickness go away almost instantly.

-Jesus christ i'm seriously never going on a ride with her.-i mumble under my breath and look around for some activities that won't make me and her sick.

I notice some bumper cars and feel my lips immediately curl up in a smile. Maggie finally comes back and sits down next to me.

-False alarm, just got a little too sick from the ride.-she sighs and puts her head on my shoulder.

-No time to rest, we're going.-I smile devilishly at her and stand up, grabbing her hand and pulling her up.

-Oh come on, i just sat down!-she whines and tries to sit back down again, but i pull her up.

Peace of mind. || Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now