Don't be the only one hurting (Don't be the only one hurting)

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Han's pov:

After we were done with dinner, i noticed that Alyne was kinda tired. She was laying on the couch with her eyes closed. I shaked her a bit to wake her up. When her eyes were open i talked to her.

''Come on, you can lay in my bed for the time being. It isn't late, just early in the evening.'' I said and helped her up and brought her to my room and helped the sleepy Alyne on the bed.

''Sleep tight.'' I said and kissed her forehead and went out of the room and closed the door.

When i got by everyone else again, they were playing a game.

''Where is Alyne?'' Felix asked.

''She was tired, so i let her borrow my bed for the time being, since it is early in the evening and i don't think Grace wants to go anytime soon?'' I said and i looked to Grace, she shook her head and then got back to the game

''Okayy.'' Felix said and i sat down by the others.

Alyne's pov:

I woke up from a nightmare with Hyeon in it. I really hate it when i get these.

I started to cry, cause of the nightmare, but then i realised i wasn't in my own room. 

It took me a few minutes to realize that i was in the room where Han sleeps. So i figured the others were out there. I was still crying, but getting quiet.

When i was done crying, i wiped my face and stayed in the room until Jisung came in the room.

''Ah you're awake. I was just gonna check on y-'' He said as he turned on the lights and saw my red eyes.

''Lynnie? What is wrong?'' Han asked and came sitting next to me. ''Nightmare?'' He asked me. I nodded my head.

''It's okay. It's okay.'' He said and hugged me tight. I started to cry it out.

''Lynn??'' I heard Felix ask.

''It's okay.'' Han said and i heard the door closing after.

Aftera while i stopped crying and Han looked at me.

''Wanna tell what the nightmare was about?'' He asked me.

''Hyeon.'' I said and looked down.

''Ohh.'' He said and hugged me. ''Don't worry.'' 

''I'm gonna fresh up a bit.'' I said and he nodded.

I went to the bathroom and Han went back. 

After i freshen up a bit, i went back to where the others were. When i got there, Felix stood up and came to me and hugged me.

''What's up?'' I asked.

''Don't cry, Alynie. Everything is gonna be okay, i'll make sure.'' Felix said. 

''But, we're gonna go to our dorm now. Say bye to them, lyn.'' Grace said.

''Bye, Bye.'' I waved and hugged them.

After we got back, we got ready for bed.

''You okay?'' Grace asked me. 

''Yes, i am. Just nightmare.'' I said nervously.

''Was it about Hyeon?'' She asked.

''How did you...?'' I asked.

''Nervous when talking about nightmares.'' Grace said.

''Ahh, Okay.'' I said smiling at Grace. 

''It's okay, Nothings gonna happen.'' Grace said and she hugged me tight.

''Goodnight.'' She said.

''Goodnight, Grace.'' I said and layed in bed. I stared at the ceiling for a little while and then i tried to fell asleep, to the result of finally almost sleeping, but getting awaken by a sound.

''Sorry, it was me.'' Grace said and i smiled at her and then tried to sleep again, but this time with headphones on. After hearing a few songs i finally went to sleep.



Hii, this is a shorter chapter, still hope you liked it <3

I'm gonna skip a little time <3

Stay safe and Healthy! <3 Hydrate as well! <3

Words: 588


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