Part 36 ~~~

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Previous Update :-

?? - Hey..Taehyung & Y/n !! What a pleasant surprise to see you guys here...
Present Time :-

Both Y/n & Taehyung looked at that person and saw Tzuyu standing there with a smile on her face...

Tzuyu stand near their table as she said...

Tzuyu - What are you doing here guys ?

She asked even though she already knew for what they are in the mall...

Y/n - Ohh..we just came here for shopping ? What about you ?
Tzuyu - Same..I too came here for shopping...
Y/n - With Sana ?
Tzuyu - No and my all other friends are busy so I just came alone...

She said with a sad tone..and Y/n noticed that...

Y/n - We don't have a problem if you join us for dinner...

She said with a small smile on her face...

Taehyung looked at her when she said that...

On the other hand Tzuyu smiled widely as she heard that and said...

Tzuyu - Really..that's so nice of you
Y/n..wait a sec..I have to bring my shopping bags too...

She said then turned around and a smirk appeared on her face..then walked away to her table to take her shopping bags...

Tae - Yah..shorty why did you tell her to join us ?
Y/n - Didn't you noticed she was sad that she came alone for at least let her have dinner with us hmm..she looked so happy after I told her to join us...

Before Tae can say something to her Tzuyu came and he have to shut his mouth...

Tzuyu took a seat beside Y/n's left side..even though she wanted to sit beside Taehyung but there were bags on the she was left with no choice...

Tzuyu - Thanks for letting me join you guys for dinner...(smiling)
Y/n -'s okay Tzuyu...
Tzuyu - Still as a thank you..I will pay for your dinner...
Y/n - don't have to do that---
Tzuyu - Plz..don't refuse..I am just glad that you let me join you guys..

Seeing she isn't going to listen to her..Y/n said...

Y/n - Fine..then

Tzuyu smiled then looked at Taehyung who was scrolling through his phone...

Tzuyu - Taehyung-shii ?

Taehyung looked at her when she called him...

Tae - Yes ?
Tzuyu - That night you saved me but I didn't get to thank you nor introduce myself properly to you but what a coincidence right ? We got to see eachother again and not only that but we are in same university too...

She said smiling to him...

Tae - Yeah right..(nods)
Tzuyu - It's like we were destined to meet eachother Taehyung !!

She said..but Taehyung just feel weird hearing that from her on the other hand..Y/n also felt there was some kind of deeper meaning when she heard Tzuyu saying that...

Their food arrived..and Tzuyu already told the waiter to shift her order on
Y/n's & Taehyung's table...

They start eating the food while talking with eachother but mostly Y/n replied to Tzuyu as Taehyung was just either noding his head or humming...

And Tzuyu was getting irritated as Taehyung wasn't talking to her much but she kept a smile on her face whole they cannot noticed her irritation...

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