A Skeleton Walks Into a Tomb (And a Bird and Slime Stalk Behind)

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Momonga knew something was... Off with the way Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama behaved around him.

Don't get him wrong, there wasn't anything (obviously) nefarious. In fact, it was almost innocent, even, the way it all started... but now the siblings have become overbearing.

Perhaps it was when everyone began to leave the guild. Or maybe it was from the moment they became friends.

Nonetheless, he found it odd that every time he'd log into Yggdrasil, the brother-sister duo would log in right after.

Then came the "big brother" honorifics they labeled him with. It wouldn't have been too noticable if they hadn't been so insistent on addressing him as such.

The turning point was when Momonga tried to play another game.

He'd downloaded it on a whim, for the most part. (Really, he was trying to prove that he didn't always play on Yggdrasil twenty-four/seven.) All he had to do was make an account, and things went on from there.

But not an hour in, two newly created accounts shoved themselves into the forefront of his vision, both sending him a friend request and demanding an online voice chat.

On a "hunch" (from how familiar their usernames looked), he answered the call; low and behold, Bukubukuchagama and Peroroncino were on the other end of the line, demanding for Momonga to tell them why he didn't let them in on his new game.

While their conversation eventually turned to the game itself, all he could wonder was how on Earth they managed to find his account so fast?

Their behavior was starting to scare him, but what can he do? He had no confrontational skills... But he might have learn them if this keeps up.

He's just glad there's other people here in this game world. And even when there wasn't anyone, the digital world still stood strong between Momonga and the two siblings.

Haha... oh, he had no idea.

In short: Momonga finds himself stuck with two new "siblings." He really has no idea that he'll be stuck with them for a loooong time.

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