I'll Keep My Flowers, Thanks

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"Do not miss those who will not miss you," was a lesson Satoru was taught rather young by his mother.

They were first said when his father left when he was merely twelve years old.

He thought those words were interesting, helpful even. Everytime Satoru thought of them, their meaning seemed to change, if only slightly.

These words were repeated every time he came across dead children on the streets.

They were the words that played in his mind as he watched his mother's body being incinerated, lacking the wealth capable of giving her a proper burial, surrounded by family that were more like standby's who stopped to watch.

And so, when his friend's gave away their items, everything they worked so hard for and wasted time over, Momonga knew that they wouldn't coming back. And he had better things to do than mope.

Momonga began to mingle with players outside of his guild. He began to make alterations to his guild, either for the sake of adding more lore or finishing up old projects. It involved a lot of grinding, but it eventually paid off.

(However, Momonga never considered changing the programming of any NPCS. That was out of question.)

Occasionally, he would consider inviting more players into the guild, while honoring the rules his friends agreed to so long ago. But he'd gotten used to the emptiness of the Tomb, and inviting new people who were unaware of Nazarick's history might risk someone tarnishing the memories this imaginary place held.

None of it had anything to do with his abandoned friendships, he no longer missed them. Momonga just wanted to respect what they had, is all.

... But if that's the case, then where are these flowers coming from?

In short: after isekai-ing, Momonga finds that the imaginary disease, Hanahaki, is real and that he has it. He absolutely refuses to believe that it's due to his old friends.

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