This Dev is Undercover!

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Satoru Suzuki was infamous amongst his taskforce as the one most capable of finding glitches, even by accident.

More than once while they'd done test runs, Satoru had found multiple bugs by using the foolproof method of "f!cking around and finding out."

It was how Satoru managed to get a job as one of YGGDRASIL's developers in the first place, who wanted to make a game of his own to play just to see if he could while fixing whatever bugs he came across.

But while testing a game in beta was one thing, searching for bugs in a fully released game with thousands of people playing on the same server was something else entirely. The developers can't be everywhere at the same time, not when there were new events to be released, boss fights to program, and new gear to tease players with. Not to mention, they had their own lives to deal with. Besides, they reasoned, it's estimated that most players wouldn't be able to explore the entirety of YGGDRASIL anyways, why bother?

On the other hand, Satoru disagreed.

Experience was everything for players, especially when it came to real life. People needed an escape, to enjoy themselves, and attempting that only to come across a bug would destroy the whole experience overall.

A deal was made; Satoru Suzuki would go undercover using an alternative account, starting out as any other player would. He would be made unaware of new events, items, and bosses so he'd have no unfair advantages over other players.

There was also emphasis on not revealing to others of his identity as an employee of YGGDRASIL, but that was fairly obvious.

And so, Satoru Suzuki became YGGDRASIL's first (undercover) beta tester.


"No unfair advantages..." Momonga murmured to himself as he was made to kneel in front of the humanoid players before they killed him for free XP. Perhaps he shouldn't have chosen a heteromorphic avatar, but the karma of this moment was probably well-deserved.

In short: Momonga is a test runner of YGGDRASIL, and accidentally became a guild leader. I wouldn't say this doesn't change what happens in New World, though. Momonga was notorious for finding bugs... Meaning now, nothing is stopping him from just as easily exploiting them.

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