A Doppelganger Leaves the Treasury (and Two Elves Stalk Behind)

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Even months later, Momonga felt terrible for feeling thankful that, despite all odds, the overbearing siblings hadn't shown up on the last day of YGGDRASIL.

He was honestly shocked. After all the efforts they've made to be part of his online life, they hadn't shown up to the one game Momonga truly enjoyed, and on the one day everything will be erased?

(Some small, irrational part of Momonga felt more bitterness than relief.)

If anything though, Momonga was also worried. He knew it was most likely that they would've done everything they could to be here- they'd done it before- whatever happened must've been serious, or just couldn't wait. He hoped Bukubukuchagama and Peroroncino were okay. If it even matters now...

Ainz looked up from his desk.

"Oh- I apologize, Aura. What is it that you asked for?"

"Uh." Aura fiddled with her gloved fingers for a bit, suddenly seeming nervous.

Oh no, did his lack of response make him appear uninterested?

"The fact that I wasn't paying attention was my own fault. I just have a lot on my mind, today. You can share."

"O- oh, it's not that! It's just... The request, it's a bit..."

Perhaps Ainz should be more patient. However, with the busy day ahead, he was already becoming fed up.

"Aura. If you truly want it, spit it out."

Her face flushed in embarrassment- and with a twinge of fear upon seeing Albedo glowering behind Ainz, she finally spoke.

"I- I wish to spend time with Pandora's Actor!"

"... Eh?" His jaw dropped.

"It's just. Pandora is really fun to be with!" Aura exclaimed. "But Mare and I, we hardly have any time to spend with him because now, he's always working as Dark Hero Momon."

Now that was curious. Pandora never left the Vault before YGGDRASIL became reality, yet Aura was speaking as if she and Mare had known Pandora for a while. Interesting... Perhaps it has to do with whatever backstory Bukubukuchagama gave the twins?

"Both you and Mare enjoy spending time with him?"

"Yes! Uh, yes, we do."

"... Very well. I shall call Pandora here and let him know."

As Aura cheered, Ainz let out a quiet sigh. Ainz may be embarrassed by his creation, more part of what he wrote in his bio than Pandora himself, but he's not going to refuse any of his NPCs happiness when they ask for it.

Moments later, Pandora was called into his office, and, strangely, Mare followed behind him. What was even more out of place was how Pandora appeared to be... Fidgety, but Ainz decided to deal with that at a later date.

"Pandora's Actor."

"Yes, my Creator?"

"The twins, Aura and Mare, have asked to spend their reward by spending time with you during your time off."

"AH-" unexpectedly, Pandora's white face almost seemed to pale. He jerked his head to the twins, who looked up at him, expecting. Curiously, Ainz noted that Pandora's hands seemed to jitter a little upon looking at them.

"... Is something the matter?" He asked.

"No! No, my lord, my apologies." Pandora's Actor bowed, then turned to the twins. "I am honored that you chose to spend your reward with me, but, uh..."

Ainz chuckled. "If you are worried about your job as Momon, you don't have to worry. I have set aside time that you could spend, of which correlates with the Twin's schedules."

".. I see."

"Hm?" That didn't seem to ease him, Ainz thought.

"It'll be alright, Pandora! We'll be sure to make the most of it!"

"Y- yeah!" Mare said, having finally gotten the courage to speak up. He looked just as excited as Aura was. "It'll be super fun for you, too! You can talk about all the treasures in Nazarick! Didn't you say you had a lot of stories?"

"Yes, but-"

"Great! Then let's get going," Aura laughed as she grabbed Pandora's Actor by the arm and dragged him out the door. Mare smiled and waved at Ainz shyly, before following suite and grabbing Pandora's other arm, helping Aura in dragging him out of the room.

Pandora turned back to Ainz, almost worriedly, before the door shut closed. Ainz could almost laugh at the scene, if not for his emotional suppression.

Awe, how sweet, Ainz thought. He hadn't expected the dark elf twins to get along with Nazarick's treasurer, but perhaps this was for the best. Pandora's Actor should to get to know more people inside of Nazarick and the twins needed more friends, even if Pandora is, physically, outside of their age group.

Shaking his head, Ainz looked back down at his papers...

Before his skull immediately snapped upright.


"Yes, my lord?" Albedo asked in jubilance. Ainz couldn't bother to internally cringe at it this time, as an icy pit was settling in his non-existent stomach.

"Do you know if Aura and Mare have been... Hanging around Pandora's Actor a lot, lately?"

That, out of all questions, was not what Albedo seemed to expect, as her wings lowered a bit and her eyes creased in confusion.

"Aura and Mare have been doing their jobs in accordance to your will, Lord Ainz."

Ainz breathed a sigh of relief-

"But now that you've mentioned it, they have been putting an unusual amount of effort to fit Pandora's Actor into their break time," Ainz's head snapped up again, "and will, more often then not, try to talk to him while playing his role as Dark Warrior Momon. Even stranger, sometimes Aura will even drag Shalltear Bloodfallen along, if their off time correlates."

At that point, Ainz let Albedo's speech continue onwards without fully putting his all into listening.

Ainz supposed part of him had hoped that now that Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama were no longer here with him, Ainz came to the conclusion that was the last he'd seen of their strange behavior.

But he had forgotten, or perhaps even brushed off, that Nazarick's NPCs take after their creators. Now it seems Pandora's Actor might be made a victim to Bukubukuchagama's own creations.

Then something else hit him.

"Wait- didn't Peroroncino create Shalltear, too?!"

Albedo blinked in confusion.

In other words, the dark elf twins (and possibly a certain vampire) adore Pandora like a brother. Pandora is.. less than pleased by it.

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