Chapter one

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"I love you sir" the words come out of her plump lips in a sweet and melodious manner just to make me fall harder than I had already fell for her .
She is beautiful and the only thing I'm thinking about right now is asking her her hand.

Ding ding ding ding.

My alarm clock rings and I cuss it before turning it off. This is at least the 50th time I make this dream about her since this school year started. I really need to see a psychiatrist for that. I think I'm completely crazy to dream about a damn child! Why the hell am I dreaming of making love to her?

With my conscience filled with these thoughts, I jump out of bed and slip into the bathroom.

After bathing , I choose a random button up blue shirt with long sleeves, to match with a jeans trouser. I perform my morning routine and run downstairs to take my breakfast.

Monotony got the best of me since my last girlfriend dumped me to get married to my best friend. Since then , they have been happily living together and I heard they're expecting their second child.

They stabbed me in the back with no remorse and they are living their marital life peacefully in California.That disgusting act they both committed  made me not to have confidence in people anymore.

As from that day, I promised myself not to get trapped in that 'love thing' to get deceived once more. That's one more reason why I'm extremely scared about what I feel for Ava.

This strange urge I have to see her once I get at work. The jealousy I feel when she flirts with other guys, the wild thoughts I have when I get close to her. I know  I'm a complete asshole for letting myself being haunted by a far more younger lady but trust me , if I had a choice, never would I've felt this way for a student I teach.

Ding! I hear the sound of a notification on my phone and I wish it's not who I'm thinking of.

~Good day hottie . I hope you didn't forget my invitation for lunch ~

Unfortunately for me, it's the person I was willing not to be. The message is from Georgia, one of my colleagues who clearly flirts with me even though I sent her all the possible signals that I'm not interested in her. I think I shall take advantage of this invitation of hers to clearly tell her I'm not interested in her the least.

Georgia is hot and all but as compared to Ava , she is nothing.
Ava is just everything I never saw in a lady . She has something different apart from being beautiful, she is innocent. One could immediately feel her purity just by looking into her beautiful and sparkling blue eyes.

In comparison to Georgia who apart from her boring and everlasting conversations about plants, she has that lustful and indecent attitude I hate. I heard she had once been a mistress to  the principal of where I work for him to grant her favours at work.

She is so lustful that she runs after men for s€x. I guess she had relationships with at least half of the staff. Seriously, who wants to date that type of woman?

Nervertheless , I just typed her a 'no' as a reponse to her message and gather my things to finally rush to my car.


After a long and boring session of meeting , I climb the endless stairs to where I'm supposed to hold my literature class with the senior year students so, eventually with Ava.

I smile at the idea of admiring her princess-like face as I enter the class.

She is sitted on her usual seat, chatting with a young lady sitting next to her. I admire the upper part of her outfit which is simply a pink sweatshirt but the visible skin of her left shoulder calls me to take her on that seat right now.   I shake those indecent thoughts out of my head and say...

''I want to inform y'all that next week, for a theme we are going to talk about the rights of children. I will assign groups to come out with poems everyday of the week , relating to the theme."

I take a document from my bag and say,

"Adam, stand up and read page 22 , starting from where we ended last class''

Adam does as he is asked.

While the largest part of the class is concentrated, others are fidgeting while Miss Paige is giggling as one asshole is twirling her hair with his pencil and whispering things to her what makes her laugh. I must do something now if I don't want to commit a murder.

"Miss Paige and friends, stop fidgeting ''

She looks at me her cheeks turning a bright pink. She lowers her gaze to the text infront of her while the guy simply smiles defiantly.

Some minutes later, the happy couple continue their romantic scene. I wouldn't bare it anymore.

"Miss Paige, you're assigned to arrange the shelves of the library after school and the person with whom you were fidgeting is going to help clean the class today"

"What did we do?" The guy asks with an annoyed expression.

"You were fidgeting and I warned you but you continued , now bare the consequences''

"But-" Ava tried to continue

"The class is over. I will hand the list of the groups to Erin, and I want them to be effective as from next week monday. Have a good day" I say as I walk to my table.

Students jump out of their desks, fidgeting a little, some of them annoyed by the arrangements of the groups. They then start to rapidly move out of the class one by one.

"Miss Paige, may I have a word with you?".

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