Chapter thirty-five + Epilogue

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Two weeks later ...



The church is full with both of our family members , friends and colleagues

I'm standing at the altar , waiting for Avs as the doors of the church opens.

Everybody stand up to welcome Ava .

The song Can't help falling in love by Ha-ley Reinhardt starts playing.

She starts walking with her mother accompanying her.

Her wedding dress is breathtaking.

It is white in colour and outlines every curve of her body.

She told me she will take this type of wedding dress so that it will show her small belly and as such, we can say that our little treasure was somehow present at our wedding .

Her hair are released and curled with subtle white flowers encrusted in it.

Her transparent veil keeps me from admiring her face entirely.

She walks slowly to me her eyes watered by tears just like mine.

She arrives infront of me and I kiss her jaw.

After the religious ceremony, we stand up and pronounce our vows to each other.

"Jace Andrew Wesley do you agree to take as wife Ava Leah Paige ?"

"Yes I do '' I say , feeling tears watering my eyes

"Ava Leah Paige, do you agree to take Jace Andrew Wesley as husband?"

"Yes I do'' she responds allowing two tears to roll down her cheeks.

" With all due powers , I declare you husband and wife .What God united, let no man separate it '' The pastor says '' You may kiss your bride'' he resumes

I open her veil and kiss her so hard that people start laughing in the church .

The sound of the applause is deafening in a pleasant manner.

This kiss is full with all my emotions. I met her in the most unexpected situations and now I've married her .

I entered her life as her teacher and now I'm ending up being her husband.

I can't believe I put a baby in her and that he/she is growing peacefully.

I love her with all my heart and soul as I never loved anyone in this world and the fruit of our love will show up in 7 months time.

Life is unpredictable I swear but that uncertainty is what makes all the magic.

Let things be, let life decide for you, let fate bring your soulmate to you. Fight for him/her , don't let him go .

Be there for the person, say at least 1000 I love you per day .

I thank God for having brought my own soulmate in my life to make me the happiest person in this world.


5 years later...

I'm sitted beside my mother-in-law as we are watching Ava graduating.

"Mummy! Mummy!"  Our little Carson can't stop shouting as he sees Ava from far. Ava is smiling and sending him kisses.

He looks just like Ava even though he has the colour of my eyes, brown . He has curly blond hairs and chubby cheeks with those two cute dimples that Ava has.

I'm bouncing Paisley on my legs and playing with her.

After Carson, I put triplets in her . Three cute baby girls , Paisley, Brooklyn and Emery.

She had to have a C-section and it was really a difficult period for us.

She attended online classes for three years and now she's graduating as a lawyer.

Carmen is playing with Brooklyn  while Emery is sleeping in her stroller.

I think Brooklyn is the one that ressembles me the most . She has dark hair and brown eyes with a one-sided dimple .

Emery and Paisley are  the exact  photocopies of Ava. Blond and with blue eyes.

We moved together in a bigger house. I do my two jobs happily. On one hand, the CEO of the Wesley company and on the other, a literature teacher.

Ava's father escaped to Russia where he was caught by the Russian police forces there and condemned to 30 years of imprisonment. We visit him from time to time and send him pictures of his grandchildren.

Carmen, Ava's mother doesn't live far from us so she comes regularly to help us in managing the babies.

We are now living happily and all what we passed through only contributed to make us stronger and fortify us in our marriage and our parenthood.

We have a lot of sleepless nights but it's just normal with a toddler and three babies.

It might seem weird but I really enjoy those sleepless nights when Ava abandons me with all the babies and sleeps like a princess and argues that she has classes the next day.

We decided not to take a nanny and to fully take care of our angels together.

Carson, Brooklyn, Paisley and Emery are our most beautiful compensation on earth because they're the fruit of our love.

Ava Wesley is being called

"That's my wife !" I shout and her cheeks turn a bright pink.

She graduates and I run to her and kiss her and everybody in the hall starts clapping.

"I love you my Ava''

"I love you too sir ''

                  The end .


Thanks to everyone who supported this story. I'm really grateful.

Stay blessed!


Nova .

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