Chapter eight

201 8 2

*highly unedited chapter*


" I'm just more than tired " I cry in between Zane's hands

"They called you again right?''

"Yes and they are now threatening to kill my mum and me''

"Stop crying babe'' he soothes and pulls me out of his arms delicately.

He takes my face in his hands and says '' I will help you''

"Zane you can't help me. Where will you take 20000$ to pay my mum's debt? And even if you had the money, you have nothing to do with that. ''

"You're a part of me Ava, and if someone's threatens to kill you, it's like he threatens to kill me as well plus money isn't a problem for me. Look, I will clear your mum's debt and nothing you will say will make me change my mind''

I just look at him even though his image is blurred due to the tears in my eyes completely lost and dumbfounded.

We have been dating for just a couple weeks now and he is just the best person I ever met in this world.

Zane is just so wonderful and he makes me happy ,truely happy

I never felt this way towards someone and noone ever shown any interest in me like Zane does.

He's so perfect

"Thanks '' I mutter with quivering lips before hugging him.

"No need to-''

Beep beep. His phone rings.

"Hello'' he says as he moves away and I look at him as he seems to be arguing with someone at the end of the wire

Minutes later, he comes back.

"It was my brother" he smiles

"You have a brother?" I ask , confused

"Yeah. He lives in LA"

"Aww" I raise both eyebrows and tilt my head to the back.

"What aw?" He asks as he moves towards me and wrap his arms round my waist. " I'm not so close to him so I didn't found the necessity to inform you'' he kisses me

"You didn't found the necessity to inform me that you  have a brother I did not know till 5 seconds ago ?" Now I'm irritated

"Calm down babe'' he smirks

"Okay listen. Do you really want to know the entire story?" He continues

"Yes'' I reply genuinely

"To know the entire story, you will have to deserve it "

"What do you mean by 'deserve it'? '' I squint my eyes

"Like this"
(A/N : What you think is happening is actually happening. Thanks for your comprehension😅😉)

I have no time to blink when he starts wandering to the inner section of the luxurious youth.

(A/N : what you are again thinking is happening, is indeed happening)


The door of the room slams open, giving both of us the spectacular view of a beauteous young lady in her late 17's.

"Betty what are you doing here?" Zane says, seemingly in panick.

"Shut up . You son of a b*tch. You're cheating on me with a worthless kid ?"


"Please babe , calm down"


He pushes me backward and gets where the lady is . He holds both of her arms and says

"That girl is a lustful sl*t  who harrasses me. The one I love is you trust me "

I feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

I never felt so dissapointed and humiliated at the same time.

I'm definitely not made to be happy.

The sound of a loud slap makes me startle.

" Never call me babe again. Dirty son of a b*tch" the lady screams and walks out followed by Zane who pursues her.

I just walk out and pick up my bag from the table and my coat from the chair and I slip it on.

My view is blurred by the tears flowing from my eyes senselessly. I'm crying at the point that I start shaking.

I just run out of the mansion barefoot, sobbing.

I'm just running to where I don't know. It's already late in the night and places are dark but none of it counts for me right now.

I continue running till I see a beach. The sounds of the waves always appease me when I'm upset so I run faster to get there.

I just fall on the sand dropping my face in my hands as I continue sobbing.

He wrecked me.


"Sir? "

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