Chapter twenty-six

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*highly unedited chapter*

My mind is focused on one person right now and the person is Jace.

I'm running out of this mansion, tears flowing on my face senselessly.

Few bodyguards tried to stop me to no avail. Some of them did not even try to hold me. I'm sure Ivanov must have instructed them to let me go.

I enter in a big Jeep and light up the GPS " Lakeside avenue Hidden Crew''.

I drive as fast as I can to Jace's home. It's by God's grace that I'm not yet dead in an accident by the way I'm driving.

Tears can't stop flowing from my eyes when I park my car infront of his home.

I get out of the car and run to his door. I knock several times to no avail. I try to look through the window but it's impossible.

Oh God what's going on.

One of his neighbours is passing by the house

"Hey sir !" I wave my hand and he stops.

"Yes milady" he says with his English accent

"I've been knocking several times and noone responds . Do you know where Mr. Wesley is found?"

"Oh Mr. Wesley  found love and he's getting married this evening''

My heart sinks in my chest.

"What? He's getting married? With who ? And where?"

"I don't know the lady's name but she's really beautiful. They are getting married at Palm Beach and -"

I run with all my strength to the car and drive to Palm Beach.

Please Jace don't do that to me for heaven's sake.

I arrive the place.

Jace and a lady are standing infront of the mayor holding hands.

There are about 10 people sitting as guests.

'' please Jace" I shout, hence drawing the attention of  everyone to me .

"Ava?" He mutters, his eyes already watered by tears.

"What are you doing here?" He utters and harshly removes his hands from the lady's ones.

Now I recognise the lady to be my former geography teacher, Mrs. Moore

"Please don't get married. Let me explain to you the entire story''

There's a lot of fidgetting. People are murmuring things I can hardly hear because all what my eyes can see right now is Jace.

The lady is crying and she tries to hold him as he runs towards me.

He holds both side of my face and kisses me.

What stuns everyone present including me.

"What happened?" He says through a chortled sob

"I'm wrecked'' I cry as I fall in his arms once more.

He holds me so tight as if I was going to run away.

My sight is blurred because of the tears flowing to my cheeks as I hear the mayor say

" You have five minutes to consult yourselves. If you don't come to an agreement, the marriage will unfortunately be cancelled''

Jace detaches from the hug as he wipes snots with the sleeve of his vest " No need to consult ourselves, I don't want to marry you Georgia. Let the marriage be cancelled please''

"Never !" The lady screams as she wipes angrily the tears flowing to her cheeks. Her make-up is smeared.

"Did you forget our agreement?"

What agreement?

I look at Jace's face and his determined attitude vanished. Tears continue to flow to his cheeks.

He looks at me , his eyes full of sadness

"I'm sorry''

"No ! No !" I cry

He moves back to where he was previously standing

"Jace please. Tell me what's going on for heaven's sake . You told me you love me '' I cry

The lady smiles in a devilish manner and holds back his hand.

"Now you can go . Worthless sl*t''

"Jace !" I cry again and he cries too

I can see in his eyes that he wants to run to me and comfort me but I don't know what keeps him from doing it.

I'm still on my knees when two strong arms take me out the celebration area.

Jace is getting married to another woman. He is officially destroying the little hope I had to fix what I've broken between the two of us.

What's happening to me ? It was my last chance to fix things with the guy I love. My only chance to finally be happy in my life.

I was about to marry my own father now I've been completely wrecked emotionally. Ivanov  forced me to destroy the beautiful love story I was creating with Jace.

He forced me to renounce to a happy life , to a family, a true one. I hate Ivanov Medvedev with all my heart and soul but not more than Carmen Paige or should I say Lydia ?

I can't stay here like a complete worthless shell. I can't watch my entire life pass by me this way.

I must do everything it cost to have a conversation with Jace. Even if it's the last one we can have.

Author's note

Thanks for reading this story so far.

I'm waiting for your impressions and votes.

Keep smiling


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