Chapter thirty-four

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A week later...
After separating ways with Jace for  a moment ,  I decided to leave the mansion and move to a cute house in brookville.

I'm sitted in my room, looking at my belly.

What will I do of this baby?
Is it right to separate from my own child?

There's a knock at my door . It must be my mum , I asked her to come.

I open the door and she enters

We are both drinking hot chocolate together in my living room

"I hope you left the mansion " I say before taking a sip of my drink

"Yes, two days ago despite Ivanov's attempts to retain me. I decided to be a new person away from the dangerous life I once lived''

"I'm proud of you mum'' I say, taking her hand.

"Thanks my darling, me too I'm proud to have a beautiful and intelligent daughter like you''

"Thanks '' I breath and allow tears to roll down my cheeks

"Why are you crying? Is it because of your pregnancy?"

"How did you know?" I frown

"There are signs that are evident. You have been eating more than a guinea pig lately''

I laugh

"Does Jace know?"

"He knows but we are in conflicts right now"

"Parents to be are sometimes in conflicts. Don't worry''

"No mum we are like really disagreeing on what to do of this baby''

"What to do how ?"

"I want to give the baby in adoption''

"What?" She screams horrified

"I'm not ready to raise a baby''

"Was I ready when I had you ? I got pregnant almost at your age but I never thought about giving my baby in adoption''

"It's not so horrible. He will have lovely parents and-"

"I'm not against adoption" she cuts me off '' don't misunderstand me. There are many adopted babies in this world who live happily with their adoptive parents. The matter is that the foetus growing in you has two young and healthy parents who can take good care of him or her. Things are always better with parental love . The indescribable feeling that hits you when those nurses place your baby on your bosom. There is where all the magical history of love begins''

I'm like really crying at this level

"Ava. I've not been a perfect mother for you and I'm really sorry if it's my behavior when you were a child that is pushing you to do what you are about to do ''

"No mum. It has nothing to do with you. It's just that-" I break in a sob

She hugs me and comforts me
''I'm really a monster I have no valuable reason to separate from my child'' I cry in between her arms

"Don't cry my baby. Call him and discuss with him. I'm sure everything is going to be alright''

"Are you sure ?"

"I'm certain'' she stands up and kisses my forehead. '' Take the right decision'' she smiles and walks to the exit.

Oh my gosh! I really need to call Jace.


Ava is just from calling me and I'm wandering to her living room.

It is as cute as her.

She enters in the living room dressed in a pair of leggings and an oversized sweatshirt.

Her hairs are released, overflowing her shoulders.

When she sees me , she smiles, leaving those two cute dimples appear on her cheeks.

"Sit please'' she proposes as she sits beside me.

"Jace I will not beat around the bush. I took a final decision''

"You won't give our child in adop-"

She cuts me off with a kiss
"Calm down '' she whispers against my ear

She looks at me with the usual grin she has when she's about to do something wild .

She takes my hand and places it on her belly.

"This baby is ours and we will raise him up , see him being a toddler, see him going to school, accompany him to his graduations''

I kiss her with vigour , holding tight her hair.

"Wait'' she giggles " darling, I'm really sorry for-" I kiss her again

"For -" I kiss her again and she laughs

" No need to feel sorry my princess. What counts now is that you took the right decision''

She smiles and kisses me again.

Both of our heartbeats accelerate and you know what follows.

I'm sorry my baby if you have to witness that.


🚨🚨🚨The last chapter is eminent.🚨🚨🚨

Do you think it will be a girl💗or a boy💙? Leave me your answers in the comments.

I also need your propositions for the name of the baby.

#good vibes


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