Chapter thirty

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I'm applying a light layer of make-up on my face as I'm preparing for the burial ceremony of Jace's father.

It was important for him that I should be there even though it is going to take place within strict family restrictions.

After wearing a flared long black gown, I tie my hair in an elegant ponytail before wearing my high black heels.

Immediately I finish , I run to the car Ivanov lended  to me and  after 1 h 30 mins of driving , I arrive at the ceremonial place where I meet a sad Jace, and about ten other persons.

"Will you be fine ?" I ask as I hug him

"It shall be difficult to retain my emotions but I shall try to be strong for my mum''

"You're so awesome.'' I kiss him and wipe the two tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Thanks for having come'' he says sadly and kisses my forehead.

"No need to thank me. It's natural''

After a brief religious ceremony, the corpse is buried and now comes the moment of testimonies and  Jace takes the lead.

"Dad, to say I'm not sad about your sudden departure will be a lie but I know we don't have the control of our destinies and I wish you to rest in peace.
Before I continue, I had like to tell y'all present about a secret my father and I were keeping together.
Daddy , you was the only one who knew about my plans and I had like you to be alive to see this come to effectiveness-" he sigh and wipes the tears flowing on his face.

"But I believe , you are here with all of us because you will forever be with us in our hearts-" he  pauses and removes a little box from the pocket of his vest.

He starts moving towards me and when he is finally infront of me , he sighs and says
" My Ava, I had like that this moment had come in order circumstances and I'm concious that a graveyard is not the most adequate place for what I'm about to do but I have the feeling that my dad is here, and is watching my dream coming true. I can't wait to tell you something I've been holding back from you for days now''

He kneels down

"Since the first day I met you , I knew it was you. All what we went through lately only enhanced my love for you and infront of my family, I ask you : will you marry me ?'' He says as he opens the little box he has in his hands what gives me the view of a ring.

My lips part while tears can't stop flowing to my cheeks. I'm in shock. He gave me no hint that he was about to ask me to marry him before.

I sigh before shouting " yes!"

He puts the ring on my finger and hugs me while his family members start clapping .

We detach from the hug and kiss each other with both of our faces covered with tears.

Few minutes later ...

I'm washing my hands in the sink of the toilets when Mrs. Georgia Moore enters.

Who invited her here?

She looks at me contemptuously and says in an arrogant manner "  I can't accept the fact that he left a lady like me for you''

"Who invited you here madam?''

"Oh shut up and keep your fake respect for you. No need to call me madam when you're f*cking my husband''

"He is no longer your husband''

"The divorce is not yet pronounced so rationally, he is still my husband''

"What do you want from me then?'' I ask as I fold my arms upon my bosom

"Nothing'' she looks at me from head to toe with contempt " You are so insignificant . He risked his career because of a worthless b*tch like you''

I smile defiantly

"A worthless b*tch he loves and with who he wants to get marry'' I reply as I flaunt my ring infront of her face.

Her determined and self-confident facade vanishes and changes to a furious one.

"You are lucky that I don't want to stain my hands today , if not I would have crushed you like the small ant you are''

She turns back to the exit as I stop her

"Why don't you blackmail us again? Where are those famous videos ? You're such a liar''

"I'm not a liar, I had them and he saw them but I won't risk to go to jail because of a useless man like him now that he's one of the richest men in town. I'm so much more happier now with my new boyfriend who's sweeter than your f*cking Jace. Idiot!''

She concludes and walks out.

Oh my gosh! I'm so happy that the biggest obstacle in my love story with Jace is now gone.

I'm so happy that I can finally have peace of mind now.

Jace + Ava= love and happiness.

Author's note

Another surprise update.

Oh my gosh!

I couldn't hold this chapter back from you anymore.

I need your comments and votes please

#keepsmiling #good vibes # Ava #jace # love

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