Chapter seventeen

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This chapter is dedicated to  RubyWritesIt for having been the first person voting for this story.

Thanks lovely.


After 9 long hours of flight, we arrive at the capital of France, Paris.

Our plane lands around 5 pm just the time for us to confirm our reservation at a  hotel and eat something.

I bring her to a fast food and we order Mc Donald's.

"This is just so delicious'' she says through mouthfuls of hamburger.

"That's why I brought you here'' I smile and take a bite of mine.

"The concert is at what time exactly?"

"It starts at 7 ''

"'Nice ''

"We will have the time for a little trip to visit the capital'' I wince.

"Did you ever come here?''

"This was my favourite place for vacation during my childhood''

"Nice , I now understand why you can speak French so fluently''

"Thanks'' I reply after taking the last bite of my hamburger as I turn on my feet.

"We have exactly 2 hours to visit Paris'' I say looking at my watch.

She stands

We walk till a public touristic boat that  transports us to visit the Eiffel tower.

"This is so wonderful" Ava exclaims as she looks at the eiffel tower with her eyes glistening like those of a happy child " I've never saw such a beautiful monument in my whole life''

"It's not like you visited much '' I laugh and she slaps my shoulder.

"Do you want us to admire it closer?" I ask, taking her in my arms.

"We can?" She replies enthusiastically

"Yeah we can'' I say as the youth stops announcing the end of the trip '' come on'' I hold her hand and lead her face-to-face with the eiffel tower.

She's so flabbergasted that her lips part , her eyes shine and they can't leave the monument.

I have enough time to sneak through the population and prepare my surprise.

" Bonsoir à tous ( good evening to y'all ) " I shout drawing the attention of everyone including Ava.

"J'aimerais dire un mot à la jolie demoiselle blonde tout au fond là-bas (I will like to say a word to  that beautiful blonde  lady right at that end" I say pointing at Ava.

Ava doesn't understand french eventually but I think the way everybody turned to look at her, informed her that something is going on. Her cheeks flushed immediately.


"Ava, you're the light that brought me out of darkness.
You're the one who made me believe in love again.
You entered my life at the moment I was expecting the least to find true love.
Today infront of the whole world, infront of Paris, I want to tell you that I love you more than I could love anyone in this world.''

At this point she's shedding blissful tears and I move to her as people shift to make space so that I can reach her.

I kneel infront of her to only enhance her sobs.

Her face turned red thank God she didn't apply make up today.

She is so beautiful.

"Please look at me, show me the ocean you have as eyes''

People start clapping and a few are crying while others are snapping the moment.

She removes her hands from her face and gives both of them to me , still knelt down.

"Look at the sky '' I say as Ava does as she's told while everyone follows our glance.

A helicopter draws 'will you be my girlfriend ?' in the sky with a pink colour.

All the phones are now taking a video of the inscription.

Ava burst into tears again and lifts me up .

She hugs me.

"Yes" she says through a chortled sob.

Everyone starts clapping.

I then kiss her while fireworks explode in the sky.

It's official I can call her mine.

Hours later...

We spent an incredible time at Adele's concert but now we are both off.

To tell the truth, that lady sings so well and I think she gained a fan today.

It's already midnight and we're both walking in the hallway leading to our rooms.

I hand to Ava the key of hers while saying" I ordered separated rooms, I will  be next to you''

"Seriously?" She rolls her eyes.

"Remember you were not yet my girlfriend at the moment I reserved these rooms and believe me if it was already the case..."

I wrap my hands around her waist and kiss her in a slow motion.

"Good night little kitty'' I murmur, opening the door of her room for her.

"Good night my hero'' she replies before locking the door.

Oh my gosh! Is it possible to love someone this way?

2:30 am  the clock on the table shows as someone knocks at my door.

I hardly get out of bed, grumbling.

Once I open the door, I see Ava in pajamas pants and an oversized shirt, her hair all messy overflowing her shoulders.

"Sweetie are you okay?'' I ask as I rub my eyes.

"No. I have a lot of frightening thoughts running through my head right now and I want to share them with the most sexy teacher I know'' she smirks

This night is going to be long...

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