Chapter ten

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Some minutes after the incident with Zane, the discipline masters intervened and both the police and his parents were convened.

He's accused of sexual harrasment and violence. As we know how things function in this country, I'm sure he will not pay for what he did. His parents are wealthy and public personalities. They can't permit their child to be at the center of such a scandalous affair.

It's just unfair but I'll do all what it will take to put that prick in prison.

I'm driving Ava to her home. She looks lost and scared. Her face is facing the road as I touch her shoulder what makes her startle.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be right. I'm here now''

She draws a smile on her face with her sparkling blue eyes shining like those of a child who just received a gift for christmas.

"Why are you so kind towards me?" She asks,her eyes immediately watered by tears.

"Because you worth it . You're amazing and exceptional and no tear has the right to flow from those beautiful eyes''

She laughs and leaves two tears to escape from her eyes.

"I'm broken though. I'm sad and my life is just a nightmare''

"Your life was  a nightmare but as from now, everything will change. You will be the happiest person in this world I promise.''

She smiles again leaving more tears to escape from her eyes.

"Thanks for being so kind sir but I don't want you to get into any trouble for me.''

"First of all, stop calling me sir, second, I'm ready to get into whatever kind of trouble for you .'' I smile

"Trust me I have lots of them and-"

Beep beep her phone rings

Her expression completely changes to an annoyed one.

"What do you want ?" She asks to her correspondant.

She stays mouth opened for a while till her correspondant seemingly end the call.

She breaks in a sob once more.

"Do you have a problem?"

No response



I park the car on a parking lot.

"What's the problem?"

"I want to die. There is my problem!'' she screams

"You'll not die. Rather tell me what's wrong?"

"Everything is wrong'' she screams " My mother is a  prostitute who stole money from  a mafia boss and now he wants me as a medium of exchange to recover my mum's debt''

I just stay dumbfounded, I'm shocked and I'm trying to puzzle all what she just uttered.

She continues crying while I'm searching for the right words to comfort and reassure her.

"Look, you're not responsible for being born from a prostitute mother and neither are you responsible for her errors. You will not pay that debt''

"He will kill me" she cries

"He will not kill you. Don't forget I'm here now to protect you unconditionally. We shall call the police ''

"No ! Not the police, my mum will be imprisoned also and even if she hates me , she is the only family I have''

I sigh

"Okay, then I will pay the debt''

She shakes her head in  disbelief.

"You can't. ''

"What is the amount?''

She looks at me and shakes her head again

"You can't pay her debt even if you worked for an eternity''

"What's the amount?'' I insist


I manipulate my phone and instantaneously send her the money.

She receives a notification and looks at her phone screen then back to me and back on her screen again.

"No! No! " She cries " I can't accept that , you're not-"

"Shhhhh" I kiss her cheek. " Send him the money, we shall argue later''

"Jace I-I"

"Here's the name I wanted you to say since" I shout enthusiastically.

She's so surprised that her hands start shaking.

"Jace, I can't.''

"You would''

"Listen, We are just both coming to know each other and I don't want to be seen as an opportunistic poor lady who profits of your kikdness to solve her problems''

"You didn't forced me to do anything. I do what I want"

She looks at the screen once more.

"It's fine'' I hold her hand

"I promise to pay you back every dime once I will become a renowned lawyer'' she swears

"Are you swearing?" I laugh

She raises her shoulders and frowns , confused.

"Why are you so cute little kitten?" I smile

She nudges me on the shoulder angrily

"I'm not cute even though I agree to be a kitten but only , I'm an angry and savage one''.

"Okay '' she sighs while opening the door of the car.

"Where are you going to ? You don't live here."

"My mum works here. I will profit of the occasion to draw things clear with her''

It's now that I look at our surrounding. We're infront of a strip club.

"Thanks again" She waves me good bye before  closing the door .

I start the engine of the car.

"Oh Jace" she screams while running back to me.

"It has nothing to do with your kindness nor your hotness but I think I like you''.

Author's note

Are things becoming spicy at this point?

Leave me your answers in the comments

#good vibes


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