Chapter fourteen

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...To say I'm in shock is an understatement. I'm just short of words.

She wants me to leave her alone and never come back because I'm trying my best to make her safe.

I just look at her ocean-blue eyes, full with tears wondering on what I did wrong to make her so sad. Seeing her cry generates in me something stronger than guilt.

"I'm sorry Ava, I did not meant to hurt you and I did not know making you secured could make you so angry''

"Jace I don't want to continue this discussion. Just get out please'' She says wiping the tears flowing to her cheeks

"Okay" I reply sadly as I purse my lips in a tight line.

I walk to the exit and turn around again to look at her and she turns her face in the opposite direction.

I walk out of her house and bang the door.

When I enter my car , I just feel empty.

Is is a reality that I will never be happy? I'm starting to believe that the only girl for me cheated on me and dumped me like I was nothing.

Do I just need to forget about love ?

I just start the engine for my house. I need to take a bath and sleep if I can.

The next morning...

Today, I'm going to examine my senior year literature students so eventually Ava.

I'm kind of nervous because of all what happened yesterday. I don't know how to behave in front of her.

I enter the class and the first person on whom my eyes fall is her.

Today, she wears a black Scottish skirt and a white top and on her legs are black boots.

She's sitted on her usual seat seeming completely lost.

After giving the latest guidelines and instructions, the text begins and we start with a listening comprehension where the students are expected to answer questions by simply listening to a poem, read by their teacher.

"Ughm -ughm

My love.

Her eyes are ocean-blue drowning me everytime I look into them

Her teeth are halo-white just like her pure heart. " I glance at Ava whose cheeks are flushed. She must have notice that I'm talking about her.

Yes! After reflection I decided to write a poem about her which I would use during the examination.

If actions doesn't work with her , may be words will do.

I decided to fight for her now that I'm persuaded that she's made for me.

I wouldn't let her go and by all means I shall prove to her how much she counts for me.

"She's innocent, kind and pure in fact all what I never had.

She is my ideal , my rare jewel, my precious pearl but can I believe in her  when she does none but hurts."

I stop and look at her again and she's more like sad now than embarrassed.

"She's a beautiful rose with her thorns and I'm a poor fellow from whom she took the heart throb.

Would she ever hear my prayer? will she ever understand my feelings? would she ever notice my concern?

I wish I could tell her in face how much I'm in love with her heart and her face.

My love ... I want to say I love but what I feel is much more stronger than the single word love."

She allows tears to escape from her eyes as I feel my own eyes being watered.

"You can now start" I finally breath out as everyone starts writing except for Ava who stares as me intensively.

I just ignore her and start walking in between the benches my eyes never leaving hers and when I arrive her seat I murmur
"You should better start writing Ms. Paige"

She purses her lips in a tight line and move one strand of hair to the back of her ear. Then she starts writing.

"You're writing on the question paper'' I say before continuing my way.

I hear her chuckle from behind me.

Two and a half hours later...

The students submit their papers before walking out . I'm gathering them on the table when.

"Ughm -ughm " I hear from behind me and Ava stands infront of the door.

"Did you forget  something Ms.Paige?"

"Stop playing that game with me" she rolls her eyes and enters.

"I want to talk to you'' she continues

"Awww... you're seemingly ready'' I smile

She rolls her eyes again and takes a step forward.

"I'm still radical concerning the decision I took yesterday but I think there was a better manner to explain things to you and I'm sorry for having been so harsh.  I think I'm made to be alone and I don't want to embark you in my troublesome life. I don't want you to suffer because of me 'cause all people I love dissapear without valuable reasons. I don't want to get attached to someone who will vanish some day so I think it's better for both of us to forget about starting something together''

I purse my lips in a tight line as I watch her eyes being watered by tears

"I'm dissapointed a lot about what you say and what you think about me. I told you I'm ready to bare the consequences of whatever will stand on our way. I'm ready to sacrifice everything I have to be with you because I love you Ava and I never felt this way even with my first love but I can see it's not reciprocal so you're right''

I put the scripts in my bag and grab it from the table.

"We need to go separate ways. Now you are and will remain nothing more than 'my student' . Good day Ms. Paige''

I conclude and exit.

It's official , I'm heartbroken for the second time.

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