Chapter twenty- five

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This chapter is dedicated to meganmawhinney for her support on this story.

Thanks lovely.


"You can't marry her Ivanov, she's your daughter" I watch my mother utter.

She is on her knees, crying senselessly.

I'm so much in shock that I don't even look at Ivanov's face.

"What?" He finally screams what snaps the attention of everyone present on him.

His body grows rigid, his fingers are balled in a fist and his eyes are filled with something I can't decipher but it's absolutely scary.

"Let me explain please'' my mother says in a chortled sob as she wipe snots with the sleeve of her shirt.

"Everyone should leave right now'' he screams with his eyes that turned reddish

There is a lot of fidgeting.

"I say everyone should get the f*ck out of this place'' he screams in a terrifying manner.

The few persons present leave hurrily.

Something in me tells me to run to my mother, comfort her and hug her warmly but another retains me here , completely stoical.

She gets on her feet alone.

"I'm sorry " she utters in a chortled sob.

"Stop crying for f*cks sake and talk '' Ivanov shouts with tears filled in his eyes.

"I-I am Lydia" my mother trails off as she wipes tears flowing to her cheeks

Lydia? How?

Ivanov's lips part.

"I am sorry Iv'' she begs and breaks in a sob once more.

This time I look at the monster beside me but all I could think about him has vanished. He is crying. Like really crying and for a reason I don't know , I'm crying too.

"Someone can explain to me what's going on?" I shout

My mum cries harder.

"Answer" I scream, allowing more tears to roll down my cheeks.

My mum wipe snots with the sleeve of her shirt again.

"Iv, I'm sorry for leaving without informing you , I was scared''she pleads.

He walks towards her like an angry lion, grabs both of her arms with strength and starts shaking her from front to back.

"Scared of what ?" He cries but his tone is still furious " I thought you had confidence in me , I thought you truely loved me , why the f*ck did you do that? ''

"I was expecting a baby Ivanov" she cries and he pushes her harshly on the ground.

I'm now piecing the pieces of puzzle in my head.

Ivanov rolls his fingers in his hair and turns to look at me.

He breaks in a sob and falls on his knees.

"I was pregnant Ivanov. I couldn't allow my baby to come to birth in these circumstances. Surrounded by danger and-"

"Shut up! '' he cuts her off and turns on his feet as she does same

"I had the right to know Lydia. I had the right to know I had a child''

"Yes and I tried to inform you ''


"I turned into a prostitute for that. I became a renown prostitute because I wanted to have access to your kingdom. I thought you would have recognised me immediately I would have stepped into this mansion but unfortunately, you just considered me like one of your favourite b*tches.''

He shakes his head in disapproval.

"You never even gave me a hint that you were Lydia''

"I gave you 1000 hints'' she cries '' All nights during our  sessions, I always said your surname ''

He looks up as if remembering things "but I thought-" he shuts up suddenly "You're right , noone except Rosalba and you knows my surname ''

Both of them turn to face me. I can't stop crying.

"Do you imagine I was about to marry my own daughter?" He screams.

"But I ran here immediately I heard about the news "

"What if we had s*x before that ?" He cries and looks at me again

I feel like puking and run to a nearby trash can.

I feel two strong hands stroking lightly my back.

I get up "Leave me please , don't touch me'' I cry as I slap his hand.

He falls on his knees

"I'm sorry my daughter. You can't imagine how much I'm disgusted by my own self . I-''

"Shut up ! I don't want to hear anything coming from the both of you . You're all cruel '' I cry

"Please Ava forgive me . All what I did was for your good'' my mum cries as she gets on her knees too

"You have the audacity to say that everything you did was for my good? You're an egocentric being who only thinks about her own self. You made me to grow without a father . You endangered me one million times. You call that for my own good? ''

"I'm sorry Ava , forgive me''

I wipe angrily the tears rolling to my cheeks.

I tear the whole wedding dress with my bare hands and scatter my hair do as well.

"You both destroyed my life. I hate the both of you as hard as I hate myself '' I conclude before removing the heels on my legs and  running out of this room.

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