Chapter four

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Before he could have the time to lift his head, I drag him by his shoulder and punch him on the face repeatedly until he starts bleeding.

"Stop!" Ava cried but I couldn't prevent myself from hitting harder.

I don't know who he is but he is certainly a complete asshole for trying to abuse of a lady.

"Please stop " she cries as she holds me by the waist.

I throw him harshly on the floor. By now he seems unconscious so I ignore his bleeding body and turn around to face Ava.

"Are you okay?" I ask, holding her face with both of my hands.

She just keeps sobbing as I pull her to my chest for a hug.

"I just want to leave this place" She mutters her words withheld by a chortled sob.

"Come on" I blurt out leading her to my car both of our bodies beaten by the thunderous rain.

She sits in the car and continues sobbing.

"Keep quiet " I soothe, holding her hand.

I start the engine of the car

"Where are we going to?"she mutters.

"To my house. No matter what happened, my duty of an educator does not permit me to leave you in the hands of that worthless fellow.''

She remains silent as I drive to my house. When we arrive at our destination, Ms.Paige is sleeping like a baby and my world she is so beautiful when she sleeps.

I carry her in a princess-like manner and climb the stairs leading to a room where I lie her down on the bed before leaving.

"Good night my Ava" I whisper

The next morning...

I climb the stairs leading to the room where Ava is sleeping. She is seemingly up already.

She is sitted on the bed , legs clutched against her bosom.

"Good morning" I whisper

"Good morning sir . I'm-"

"Shhhhh. You can use the bathroom and take a bath.''

She sighs

"Take this" I offer to her a pair of blue leggings and a white shirt

"My younger sister lived here for a while and when she travelled for LA, she left some of her dresses here''


"When you finish bathing, meet me downstairs for breakfast'' I conclude as I move out.

Some minutes later, I watch her descend the stairs leading to my living room.

Those pair of leggings draws every curve of her thighs. She is slim but her hips are a little more generous than the upper part of her body. The shirt is oversized on her in a cute manner.

"Wow" she exclaims exploring the house with her eyes .

"Your house is spectacular''

"Thanks.'' I smile." Come let's eat. I hope you like bacon''

"Of course! '' she exclaims excitingly joining me on the counter top while swinging her arms from front to back.

She sits while I push a plate of bacon potato pancake infront of her.

"Delicious!" She exclaims after taking a bite of the pancake


We eat in silence for a while before she says

"Sir, I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday.''

"You shouldn't be sorry Ava" I smile as I hold her hand accross he counter top"who is he for you?''I ask seriously

"He is my mother's partner" she lowers her head

"Your mother's partner tried to rape you?" I scream" You should inform her and call the police. Imagine what could have happened if I did not came''

"By the way, why did you follow me?"She frowns

"You forgot your phone in the car and when I called you , you didn't answer so I decided to follow you''I reply handing her phone to her.

"Thanks sir"

"Was it the first time he tried to rape you?"

She shakes her head no

"Then why did you not inform your mother or your father?"

"I don't know my father and my mother doesn't care about me.''

"Every mother cares about her children''

"Not mine" she says as she withholds the tears threatening to roll to her cheeks.

"She cares more about her friends and parties than me''

"In that case, I shall accompany you to a police station for you to denounce that asshole''

"No sir , I can't'' she says this time allowing tears to roll down to her cheeks.

"But why?"

She stands up suddenly.

"I have to go" she blurts out

"No Ava. Stay a little more, just the time for me to drive you to your home''

"No sir ,I can go home myself. I will call an Uber''

"How? Your battery is off''

"Can I use your phone please?"

"Okay" I surrender, handing my phone over to her.

"Where are we?" She asks her face glued to the phone.

"Lakeside avenue, Hidden Crew"

"What?" She widens her eyes" you mean you live in Lakeside avenue''


"Wow" she tilts her head backward

"What wow?" I mimic her

"You must come from one of those rich families to have a house here''

"Not exactly" I chuckle

"The Uber will be here in 5 minutes'' she says, giving me back my phone

"Will you wait for it standing there?"

She smiles and walks to the counter top.

I stare at her pink pouty lips, with the only idea to kiss them right now

She is so beautiful and innocent. Her eyes mean the world to me, they are ocean blue just like the leggings she wears. Her hair are a little messy in that bun but yet, they are beautiful. I don't know what I feel for this girl but is much more strong than a simple attraction

"Sir" she says what snaps me out of my thoughts

"Yes "

"The Uber is here ''

"Okay''I say as we both stand

"Good day and don't hesitate to call me if that prick dares touching you again"

"Thanks for being so nice to me"

"It's normal, you're my student''

The honk of a car I'm assuming to be the Uber makes us startle.

"Good bye sir. See you on Monday ''

"Good bye my Ava'' I whisper as I watch her entering the car and leaving.

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