Chapter twenty-seven

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Seeing Ava yesterday in that state of being shattered my heart.

She was so vulnerable but yet so beautiful. Her tiny body enhanced a savage desire in me to kiss her.

I could not hold myself from doing so when I have been missing her every single day of my life . Every night all I could think about was her.

Her innocence and her tiny and breathtaking body call me each time my eyes fall on her. I wished the person I was waiting for at that alter be my princess but unfortunately, fate decided  the contrary

I curse the day Georgia Moore entered my life. She has been a nightmare for me for the past 3 weeks.

She blackmailed me and forced me to get married to her.

Now she's lay next to me , after forcing me to have s$x with her this night.

I really hate what I've got myself into. I wished I could change my decision but it's too late . As late as consul Hewett's attempt to annex Cameroon.

Ding ding!

I receive a notification on my phone.

From unknown: please I need to talk to you now. Meet me at the town's municipal lake so that we can both put a final full stop to what happened between the both of us

No need to think twice . I know the sender's identity.

After bathing and sneaking outside, I start the engine for the municipal lake.

I arrive after 10 minutes of driving and the first person on whom my eyes fall is on her.

Dressed in the simplest but yet sexy manner.

The gown she wears is short and flared , red in colour.

Her hair look neat like usual and overflow her shoulders.

On her tiny legs are a pair of sandals what leave the view of her varnished toe nails with a red colour.

"Princess'' I call and she turns around to look at me.

Her eyes are filled with tears. Her body is shaking. She looks like she needs a huge hug right now and when I walk towards her she does two steps backward.

Two tears finally flow to her cheeks and it breaks my heart.

All what I need right now is to touch her , to fill her body against mine .

She purses her lips in a tight line and wipes the tears flowing to her cheeks with her hand palms.

"Now that you are a married man , you have a lot of restrictions. I can't be a home-breaker''

"Please Ava-"

"I did not invite you here to listen  to your ‘please Avas’. All I want to know is why ? Why did you get marry to another woman when you claimed to love me '' her voice is quivering and tears are flowing senselessly from her ocean-blue eyes.

"I had no choice ''

"You had no choice ? How ?"

"She blackmailed me -" I stop and  look at the ground in embarrassment " We had s$x and -"

She breaks in a sob. Her body is shaking " you had s$x with her ? Why did you do that to me?"

"I was drunk and heartbroken after the way you ended things with me ''

"I was under threats for heaven's sake ''she cries " I did that for you . They threatened to kill you!"

"Who are they? I 'm completely confused'' I feel tears watering my eyes

"It's a long story''

"I'm ready to listen''

"What ? What are you ready to listen to when you're the one who have to give me f*cking reasons why the f*ck you got married ''

"She blackmailed me with a video of our s$xual encounter and she threatened to post it on social media . Imagine the scandal it would have created. It would have destroyed my career''

She moves to me in anger and slaps me harshly while crying more

"I did not know you were like that. A f*cking egocentric monster who thinks only about his little life. You got married to another woman to safeguard your career? What about love ? We would have overcome every difficulty standing on our way together but you wrecked everything because of a f*cking career''

"I'm sorry princess'' I cry and she slaps me again

"Stop saying you are sorry when you know it wouldn't change the fact that you are a married man now. You are someone's personal property and I don't want to be a home-breaker''

"There's no home for you to be a home-breaker. I'm ready to divorce , to give us a last chance''

"We had enough last chances Jace. I recognise that I've not been perfect too and I ask you for apologies. I would have find a  way to inform you that I was under a mafia's boss threats . A mafia boss who revealed himself to be my father''

"Your father?"

"Yes. I was about to marry my father. I could have had s$x with him ''

"You did not ?"

"I'm not like you and he too is not like you. He has respect for women''

She wipes the tears on her face angrily.

"I think everything is now said. Happy marital life and good bye forever ''

"Ava don't say forever please. I will divorce''

"You talk about divorce as if it was the easiest thing to do plus Georgia does not deserve that. Stay with her and do a lot of children''

She draws a fake smile on her face and leaves the spot, running and crying.

What did I do to be so heartbroken and sad in this life . Is it the end between the two of us as from now ?

Author's note

Hello lovely readers.

I hope you are not angry with me for not fulfilling my promises

I've been so busy lately that I had no time to drop a chapter here.

I promise that I shall try to be regular.

#good vibes

Nova .

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