Chapter six

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I'm in my fitness room, punching my punch bag. Sports is the only area where I can find peace of mind even though it doesn't seem to work today.

I'have been thinking about Ava the whole weekend. Seeing her cry is the most painful thing I ever saw in my life.

Those innocent blue eyes were full of tears, tears caused by me. I voluntarily subtracted her marks this sequence.

I know I'm a complete asshole to do that but the feeling I have when she flirts with Zane is just indescribable.

I would have subtracted his marks too if he didn't got a pitiful F'.

My heart aches, I just want to be close to her right now and tell her how much I'm sorry for having behave like I did.

Nevertheless, I shall change my thoughts a little bit tonight with the charity gala my father organises.

After another thirty minutes of physical exercise, I climb upstairs to take a bath and dress up.


"You really need to get married'' My dad says with a serious tone

"Oh dad please.'' I reply exasperated

"I'm being serious son, your mother and I are growing old and we need a person to take over us at the company. You being our only child, you need to get ready to become the future CEO of the Wesley company and for that you need a lady by your side''

"First of all, I have no experience in the management of a company, second, I don't need a woman by my side to rule over an enterprise, third of all-''

" That's why I did not wanted you to become  a teacher while you would have future responsibilities in the enterprise''. He continues

"I don't want to take over you at the company, I want it to be clear for both of you''

"You have no choice. We cannot hand the direction of the company to a stranger whereas we have an adult son''

"Even if I accept, what does marriage have to do with the direction of a company?''

"Having a wife means having a pillar, a helper, an advisor. Having a wife is a sign of maturity and it's all what you need right now''

"I'm a mature guy dad even though I don't aspire to marriage''

"Oh shut up Jay-jay'' my mother says as I roll my eyes" your dad is right. You need a wife not only to help you in decision taking but also to give us grand children. Do you want me to die without being called granny?"

"Don't say that mum''

"Jace please, think about what we just said. All we want for you is happiness and a stable life. You should forget about the past and focus on your future. What those two people did to you is unforgivable but you need to forget about it and focus on your own life''

"I don't want to talk about those two traitors''

My mother purses her lips in a tight line looking at me sadly before she could say'' I need to verify if everything is going to be alright. Excuse me''

She walks away and leaves me face-to-face with the annoyed expression of my dad.

"Be wise, son" he concludes with a gentle tap on my shoulder and also walks away.

I run my fingers in my hair before walking to the bar.

After what my ex girlfriend and who I called by best friend did to me, I never thought of getting married anymore. I loved her so much with all my heart and soul and at that time, she was the only girl I could think of marrying.

She destroyed the whole of me without remorse.

I sometimes think that karma does not exist. If yes, then why is she happy when she destroyed all what I could call happiness in my life? Why does the guy I once called buddy, has all he wants in his life. A happy couple, a child and another one on the way, and a stable financial situation.

"Good evening sir" A familiar voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I turn around to found a well-dressed Zane, accompanied by a radious young lady probably around 17 years old.

"Good evening Zane" I draw a fake smile on my face " what are you doing here?"

"Oh , I'm here to represent my dad, Mr. Lee Owen .He is one of the shareholders of the Wesley company and CEO of the Owen group''

I mouth an 'O' waiting for him to dissapear from my sight but he stays here and wrap his arm around the young lady's waist who kisses him indecently.

The arrogant prick detaches from the kiss just to say
"Here is my girlfriend, Bethany. ''

"Keep it for yourself. I'm your teacher not your mate'' I reply seriously

"Oh sorry" he replies sarcastically" Mr. The scrupulous teacher" he draws imaginary quotes in the air.

"Babe let's go" the  lady proposes before he could draw a fake smile on his face and leave.

It seems as if I hate him more as days passes. I might be an idiot to feel the way I feel towards an adolescent but yeah , I hate him.

Hours slowly go by into the history of this day and the gala ended some minutes ago.

I'm exhausted so after kissing good bye to my parents, I drive to my home.

It's already midnight and places are dark, I bend my head to on the headlights of the car when I accidentally hit a lady.

"Oh my gosh!'' is the only thing I could say when running towards the unconscious lady .


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