Chapter sixteen

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I'm infront of her home , carrying her in a princess-like manner.

I open the door and step in as she can't stop giggling.

I carry her upstairs to her room.

I place her on the bed and when I'm about to leave,

"Please stay'' she whispers still keeping her eyes closed.

"Stay " she says again " Jace I love you too and I don't want to lose you, please stay''

My heart misses a beat, my lips part. Is it the effect of alcohol or does she really mean it ?

"I want you to make love to me all night. I want to lie in your arms please'' This time she opens her eyes .

"Come'' she breathes ''Let me show you how much I love you"

To say I'm not tempted will be a lie but I want to respect this splendiferous lady lying here.

I want to respect her and show her how much she's important to me. I love her more than I could love anyone in this world and seeing her in danger, only enhanced the feeling I have been hiding to myself for so long .

I crawl on the bed and whisper in her ear " I want to do things right with you little kitty. I don't want to spoil everything because of a night of drunk s$x.''

I kiss her cheek.

"Have a good night my Ava'' I finally say as I step out of the room.

The next morning...


I slightly open my eyes with an atrocious head ache.

I gradually sit up and realise I'm still in the outfit I wore yesterday. That's when I remember all what happened. Jace fought for me and brought me back here but where is he?

I take my phone who is just beside me and when I on it, I see 24 missed calls of Evelyn.

I'm sure she's worried about what happened yesterday and I shall text her to reassure her later but for now , I need to take a bath and drink a pain killer.

After bathing I change in an oversize sweatshirt with long sleeves and tie my messed-up hair in a neglected bun.

I descend the stairs leading to the living room. The first thing I notice is the cleanliness of the room. It's certainly Jace

I smile as I move to the table and there is a word left on it.

" Good morning little kitty. This word is to remind you not to forget to take in the pain killer I kept on the small table .After getting drunk, you seriously need one'' I chuckle " With love, Jace''

I search for the pain killer and once I have it ,I rush to the kitchen to have a glass of water and drink it.

I grab the dirt in my trash can and walk outside to throw them.

Immediately I step outside, I stub my foot on a one bouquet on a row of at least twenty bouquets of rose flowers.

I'm just shocked. Who could have sent so much flowers to me or is it an error of destination?

I take one of them and the usual pleasant smell hits my nostrils. In it is a card with the inscriptions "happy 18th birthday Ms. Paige .''

I turn my look at the right where I find Jace, sleeping on the old and uncomfortable rocking chair on my patio.

I drop the bouquet of flowers and walk to him and wake him up.

"Tell me you did not sleep here'' I ask as I sit on the armrest of the chair.

He sits up and rubs his eyes.

"I slept here. I couldn't leave you alone in your state of drunkenness plus you expulsed me of your house forever so the only solution I had was to sleep here''

"Oh Jace-''

He cuts me off and sings "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you princess Ava, happy birthday to you...''

"You did not forget'' I say emotionally.

"How could I forget?"

"Thanks'' I breathe out feeling tears watering my eyes.

"Do you like the flowers?"

"You're the one who put them there?"

"Yes. I hope you like them''

"You're the best '' I hug him.

"That's not all '' he searches his pocket '' These are two tickets for Adele's concert in Paris. Will you please me and go with me?"

"Oh my gosh!'' I exclaim and burst into blissful tears. " This is the best surprise ever'' I say and with my hands shaking,I take the ticket.

"You better start preparing yourself we're traveling in exactly thirty minutes''

"What? '' I shout and turn on my feet.

"Yeah. I paid plane tickets on line yesterday''

"How could you be so sure that I would accept?" I fold my arms upon my bosom simulating anger.

"You're so predictable little kitty''

I blush at the pronouncing of the nickname.

He kisses my cheek'' can I use your toilet?''

"Yes" I reply moving one strand of hair to the back of my ear.

"Thanks'' he attempts to kiss my cheek again but I turn my face to steal from him a peck.

"And for your information, I remember everything I said yesterday.'' I give him a peck once more

"Everything" I whisper and bite on my bottom lip before running to my room.

Author's note.


Thanks for reading and please don't forget to vote and leave me your impressions in the comments.

Much hugs and rose flowers.


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