CHAPTER 22 "Hospital"

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The drive felt like it was never going to end. Sophia kept telling me that we're almost there but every second felt like an hour. My head was making me think of the worst case scenarios and I just wanted to make it stop somehow. I constantly shook my head but it didn't work. The tears were not stopping and I was breathing heavily as if I just got back from a run. I was a mess. Sophia finally pulled in the parking lot and I opened the car door before it could completely stop. I jumped out and started running inside. Sophia ran behind me. As I got in the hospital, I didn't know where to go. I just turned around and Sophia had just entered as well. She grabbed my hand and we both started running towards the elevator. Liam must have already told her which room Zayn's in. We got in the elevator, Sophia still holding my hand and telling me not to worry for the hundredth time. I just kept wiping my face because I was both sweating and crying. The doors opened and we ran outside and took a right turn and I saw Louis and Niall standing there and talking to each other. They looked at us and quickly walked towards us. Niall sped a little more and hugged me tightly which just made me cry harder.

"Hey hey hey shhh calm down. He's okay." He said gently rubbing my back.

"Where is he? I.. I want to s-see him" I said, still sobbing. Niall nodded before wiping my tears off my cheeks with his thumb.

"Don't cry, Lub. Trust me, Zayn's okay" Louis said and opened a door and I slowly walked in. I was still not sure of what i was going to see next. My heart was beating faster than before and I couldn't stop praying for everything to be okay. As I took a few more steps I saw Harry's and Liam's back as they were sitting on chairs, facing a bed. I walked a little faster to reach there and saw Zayn laying on the bed. His right hand was plastered and he had the insulin drip attached to his left hand. He looked at me and gave me a faint smile and I could feel the tears welling up my eyes again.

"Hey, baby girl" he said and I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

Harry stood up and gave me a hug and tried to sooth me a little. I walked towards Zayn's bed and carefully took his left hand in mine, without touching the drip.

"How did this happen, babe?" I asked, my voice still trembled.

"He was being a dickhead and driving too fast" Harry answered from behind me and Liam chuckled. I looked at Zayn and he mouthed a swear word to Harry.

"I wasn't driving fast, babe. I was on the right track and some jerk hit my car from behind. I tried to control but I couldn't and the car hit a lamppost. The last thing I remember is my hand having the worst pain and then I blacked out." He told me and I just thought why did all this happen to him? It could have happened to me! But why him? I hated the fact that he was going through so much pain and I couldn't do anything to make it go away. The tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.

"Baby, don't cry. Hey hey" Zayn said as he tried to sit up. I quickly wiped the tears off of my face and told him not to get up.

"Look at me. I'm fine. Doctor's said that they will take my plaster off in a month. The fracture isn't that bad. Trust me, babe. I'm fine" he said and smiled at me.

"I was so worried. And I was imagining all these stupid things and it was just messing with my brain." I told him and he laughed lightly. "I love you" I added.

"I love you more, babe. I'm feeling so much better now that you're with me" he replied and I bent down to kiss his cheek.

Sophia walked in with Louis and Niall with two cups of coffees in each of their hands. Sophia gave one to Liam. Niall gave one to Harry and Louis held out the cup for me to take but I shook my head before he forcefully put the cup in my hand and gave me a sassy smile and I couldn't help but smile back. I drank my coffee and gave Zayn a few sips from it too. I was talking to Zayn and instead of me comforting him, he was the one comforting me and telling me not to worry. I'm such useless girlfriend. Just a few minutes later, the door opened and Zayn's mother walked in with Waliyah. Zayn's younger sister. They both had a worried look on their faces. I could see Zayn's mother having tears in her eyes as she saw him. I recognised them because I had seen there pictures before. The Malik family is absolutely flawless. But suddenly it came into realisation that I'm Zayn's girlfriend and this is the first time I'm going to be meeting his mother and sister. I was not prepared for this.

"Zayn, honey, what happened?!" His mother asked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Mum, I'm fine. It's just a minor fracture" he assured her. "Please don't cry, mum"

"I told you to drive safely, butthead." Waliyah said as her tension eased a bit. "He's such a harsh driver, mum" she said turning to her mother. Zayn rolled his eyes at her.

"Mum, this is Lubna" he said which caught me off guard and I didn't know what to do so I just looked at her and smiled. "I didn't want you guys' first meeting to be at a hospital but, oh well" he added and the boys chuckled.

"Oh dear. You're such a beautiful young lady" her mom walked towards me and gave me a hug. "It's lovely to see you" she added in her strong British accent.

"You too, Mrs. Malik" I replied. I was too nervous to think of anything else to say.

"I'm Waliyah. His sister" Waliyah walked towards me and hugged me as well. She had hazel eyes and really full eyelashes just like Zayn's.

"I've heard about you. You're very beautiful" I complimented her and thanked the heavens for helping me speak so much.

"So are you" she said and giggled.

I turned to look at Zayn to was looking at us and smiling the whole time. Soon after, the doctor walked in and greeted us with a friendly smile. He picked up Zayn's file and looked through the papers.

"My name is Dr. James. How are you feeling now, Mr. Malik?" He asked Zayn.

"I'm feeling good. I just want to go home, I don't like it in here." He replied as he looked around the boring room.

"Well, it's a hospital. Nobody likes it in here" Dr. James joked. "Things seem to be stable but I would like it if you stay until tomorrow. I just want to run a few more tests." He added in a serious tone.

Zayn groaned and Dr. James laughed.

"I promise to let you go home tomorrow afternoon." Dr. James assured.

"Alright. But can someone at least stay with me at night?" He asked.

"Yes, of course. But just one person." He replied and turned to walk out. "I'll see you again, Mr. Malik" he said before leaving. Louis, Niall and Harry walked out as well.

"Honey, I can stay with you if you want" Zayn's mother offered as she sat on a chair on the other side of the bed.

"No, mum. It's okay, you've got work tomorrow." He replied.

"Well, yeah but I can cancel my meetings and call some of the.." she started but Zayn cut her off.

"Mum. I'm fine, really." He said and kissed her cheek.

"Umm, Mrs. Malik?" I called her out and she looked at me with a smile. "I can stay with Zayn. I promise I'll take care of him" I added and her smile widened.

"That would be lovely, darling." She said and walked up to me and kissed my forehead. "But, take my number. Just in case you need anything. Give me a call" she said and I nodded before taking my phone out of my pocket and giving it to her as she dialled in her number.

We talked for a long time and she told me that Zayn's father was out of town for some business work but he would be back in a week or two. I told her about me starting my university next week and Waliyah joined in our conversation as well. Both of them were so sweet and loving and I felt so good after meeting them. The nurse walked in after some time and told us that the visiting hours were over. Zayn's mother and Waliyah walked to Zayn and kissed him on his cheek before saying goodbye. Then walked towards me and I gave each if them a hug and walked them out to see them off. The boys left too and I thanked Sophia for everything. She hugged me and said that she would be there for me all the time. After seeing them off, I walked in Zayn's room again and smiled at the sight of my boyfriend fast asleep as I heard light snores coming from his side. I walked upto him and lightly kissed his forehead. I sat back on the chair and gently took his left hand in mine like I'd done before.

"I love you" I whispered to him and put my head back on the chair before falling asleep.

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