CHAPTER 3 "Is this real life?"

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I couldn't sleep that night. And yes, it was a 100% normal because can we just take into consideration that Zayn Malik had messaged me? I mean, what the hell? On one hand I was thinking about how could this be possible? Why would he message me? Does this mean that he used to read all those messages that I used to sent him? Does this mean he knew who I was? On the other hand I was thinking that is he really okay? Is everything okay in the band? Did he have an argument with one of the boys? I had a million questions in my head and it all sounded insane!


My thoughts were broken by the sound of my alarm. I seriously didn't even bother getting up for school so I just stayed in bed. Thinking.

It wasn't long until my mom came up to my room to see why I wasn't down for breakfast yet.

"Is everything okay, sweety? Don't you want to go school?" She was concerned.

"I really don't feel like it. My head hurts."  I didn't lie. My head did hurt a bit.

"Oh! Do you want me to get you breakfast in bed?" She asked.

"No, Mom. Thankyou so much, but I guess I'll just sleep for a little while." I replied.

"Alright, honey. Let me know if you need anything" she said and left the room.

I wasn't sleepy. At all. So I just grabbed my laptop and logged in to Twitter. (Duh)

My heart skipped a beat when I saw a new DM. I didn't know who it was from, yet. I clicked on it and it was him.

"Wow. Are you for real? I'm sorry but I never thought that girls like you actually do exist in this fandom. Thankyou for that. I really appreciate it. And yes, I feel better now :) So, if you're one of the "normal girls", then it would be great to stay in touch haha :)"



Is this real life? Am I even living my own life? Is it even possible? Okay, now I'm just losing my mind.

First of all, he was feeling better. I was relieved. And secondly, he want to stay in touch with me?! I can swear I clicked on his name like 10 times to see if it really was Zayn Malik's twitter account because I just couldn't believe it.

But, I still didn't want to tell anyone that he was talking to me. Because that's exactly why he was talking to me, right? He said I was one of the normal girls. Wow. Okay. I need to let that sink in a little. He sent me that message like 15 minutes ago so I should reply him. Oh god, this is getting so intense.

I reminded myself to breath. And started typing.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. And thanks for calling me "normal", my mom thinks I'm insane! Well, yeah, I would love to stay in touch. Take care :) xx"

I tried to sound as cool as possible. But, inside, I had already died a couple of times with excitement.

So, this was a thing now? Will I be having a normal conversation with Zayn now? Will he be my "friend"?

"No more sleep for me!" I said to myself as I stared at the wall blindly and thought about this absolute crazy turn that my life had took.

I didn't realise when I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes I saw the time in my phone. It was 11.20 a.m. I had slept for 5 hours. And it was no surprise that nobody came to wake me up because my mom always allows me to sleep as much as I want when I'm not feeling well.

Before even getting out of bed, I grabbed my laptop again which was right next to me. And yes, there was another DM from Zayn.

"Your mum sounds a lot like my mum. She always thought I needed therapy haha :p It feels so weird having such normal conversations with a fan. I don't even know if I should consider you as a fan. You're more like a friend. :) So, you live in Dubai? That's pretty cool!"


This wasn't normal. Or was it now? He knew I lived in Dubai that means he used to read those messages I used to send him? WHAT EVEN?!

I didn't want to take an eternity to reply this time so I wrote back instantly.

"I am a fan and I'll always be one. But being your friend sounds pretty cool as well. Haha, so you did read all those messages that I used to send? Oh god, now this is embarrassing. But trust me, living in Dubai is not cool. Here, we have Summer throughout the year. I wonder how you and the boys are going to adjust here in April when you come for the concert."

I hit send.

I was starting to calm down a bit. It was starting to sink in. But I still had in mind that I won't tell anyone about this. I will, but not now atleast.

He replied in like 10 minutes.

"I won't lie but I didn't read them all. But yeah, I know your name is Lubna, you live in Dubai and you got our concert tickets as your 19th birthday present. Speaking of which, I'll be seeing you in April then? How cool is that! We should totally meet up. You have to take me around and show me your city aha :)"

What in God's name just happened? Did Zayn just say that he's going to meet me? Like, literally meet me? Holy crap. What more could possibly happen now?

It wasn't long when I was so happy that my mom had gotten me Diamond tickets to go see the boys in April. And now, I'm technically Zayn's "friend"? I'm going to be "hanging out" with him? Wow.

I would have never even thought about that in my wildest dreams.

So I replied.

"That's all that you should know. All the other messages were just me blabbering some idiotic stuff haha :p Zayn? Are you asking me on a date? Little do you know, I could be a serial killer."

I tried to be funny. I regretted sending that message the moment I hit send.


He replied within 5 minutes.

"You make me laugh :p And even if you are a serial killer, it would be a fun experience. Don't you think? I have to go out for some work now. But let's continue this conversation when I get back? Haha :)"

Oh, thank god he didn't think I'm a freak. I replied back saying,

"Even if it isn't fun, we shall make it! Alrighty, busy boy. I'm always here to talk. Take care x"

I kept re-reading all his messages. I had never been happier in my life.

How did I get so lucky?

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