Chap. 12

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"You have got to be kidding me," I said, pulling up to the party for the second time that night.

Lacy stood on top of a table in only her bra and underwear, dancing away like no one was around. I jumped out of my car and raced to her, yanking away from wildly groping hands and catcalling drunks as I skidded to a stop.

"Lacy!" I yelled, pulling on her ankle.

She lost her balance immediately and toppled over the back of the table, landing in the muddy puddle that had developed around the kitty pools that held all the drinks. She thrashed around in a drunken rage for a few minutes, screaming profanities and covering herself in mud, then went still and just stared up at the sky.

I sighed and looked around for a towel, spotting only a table cloth. I yanked it off the table and draped it over my friend, pulling her up on her feet and basically dragging her to the car. When I finally laid her down in the backseat, I had already broken out in a sweat and was breathing hard.

"Lacy, scoot to that door over there, I still have to get your boytoy," I heaved out, trying to push her further into the car.

She planted her palm across my cheek with a smack, the blow yanking my head to the side.

"He is not a boytoy! He is precious and lovable and adorable and sweet and-"

"LACY SHUT UP!" I hollered, pulling the table cloth over her face. I winced at all the mud getting all over my leather seats, knowing it would take forever to clean it.

"What are you doing now?" Keenon asked in a rough, groggy voice from the front seat as he sat up a little.

"Go back to sleep, I'm just herding sheep over here," I huffed, slamming the car door on Lacy while she continued to yell about her boytoy boyfriend. She always was a pretty mean drunk person.

Surprisingly, Keenon did as told and turned back over, laying his head against the window. I sighed, thankful that at least one person was becoming reasonable.

I staggered back to the party on wobbly legs, exhaustion taking over. "Lance," I called over the still blasting music. I didn't understand how all these people were still dancing and grinding on each other, much less standing.

"Hey," someone said, tapping my shoulder.

I turned around to see Kyle standing over me, eyes slightly bloodshot but I could tell he wasn't over the line drunk. To say I was both impressed and relieved would be an understatement.

"Hey Kyle, have you seen Lance?"

His brow furrowed in a cute way as he looked around. "Who?"

"Oh uh, the guys that I came with, dark hair, blue eyes. The other one has sandy blonde hair."

He scratched his head and swayed a little, putting out a hand to steady himself. "Uh no, I haven't. Heeeeyyyyy," he slurred, "where did you go? I couldn't find you."

"Uh, I had to take a friend that got sick to her apartment," I said with a shrug. "Now I have to find Lance and Toby and get them and two others back to their places."

"Sounds tirrrrriinngg," he drawled.

I chuckled. "You don't know the half of it."

It took me about ten minutes of pushing through crowds and knocking down drunks to find Toby. He was by a pool that I hadn't noticed before, passed out cold and absolutely naked. I saw him, let out a yelp, and snatched up a wet towel off the ground to cover him up.

"Kyle," I yelled, waiting till he jogged over to ask, "Are you sober enough to help me carry him?"

Kyle stood there for a minute as if thinking before he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure, but I might puke at some point."

"Good thing I don't have a weak stomach," I muttered, grabbing Toby's arms while Kyle got his legs.

We kept having to stop and set down our burden when drunk girls would giggle and yank Toby's towel off or Toby would twitch out of our arms in his state of unconsciousness. Both sweating and heaving in air, Kyle and I made it to my car no less than fifteen minutes later.

As soon as I opened the door, Lacy's face came into view with a sour expression. "You! Who do you think you are to-"

That was the moment that my small supply of patience ran out, fatigue taking over and my bitchy side rearing its ugly head. I didn't even let her finish her sentence before I swung my fist up into her chin and knocked her out cold.

"Whoa! That was awesome," Kyle yelled, looking at Lacy as if she were a fish with legs.

"Yeah whatever," I muttered, so very glad that none of these people would remember any of this.

"Thanks for your help," I said to Kyle as we managed to get Toby and Lacy secured in my backseat.

"No problem, baby mama," Kyle whispered in my ear, making me grin despite myself.

I turned to look at him. "How long do you think Jasmine will belie-"

His lips met mine in a hard kiss, and if he had been anyone else, if I hadn't already been attracted to him, I would not have let him back me up onto the hood of my car. I slid my fingers up into his hair and pulled, loving the way he moaned into my mouth just like I wanted him to. His hands circled around my waist and traveled up my shirt, fingers looping under my bra strap. My hands somehow found their way to his abs as his tongue slipped into my mouth.

"Stop raping each other's mouths and take me home."

I pulled away and looked over Kyle's shoulder to see the lost lamb Lance standing in his boxers. I glared at him and stepped away from Kyle's arms.

"Lance! Did you cheat on Lacy?!"

He looked down at his appearance with a look of confusion and fear, then back at me. "I- I really don't know," he said in a small, shaky voice, "I woke up in someone's car and can't remember anything and Lacy was by herself and I can't find her now and she's gonna think I left her for some hoe but I would never-"

I stopped his blubbering and went over to him, letting him wrap his shaking arms around me despite my instinct to yank away and hit him. Apparently he was one of those terrified, jumpy, emotional drunks.

"Lance, just shut up and get in the car. I already have Lacy."

"Really?" He said in a hopeful voice, looking past me to the car.

"Yeah, her and Toby and Keenon. You were the last one, so come on and I'll take you home."

I got him into the car, thankful he was too drunk to notice Toby was in between him and Lacy, and turned back to Kyle.

"Thanks for the help," I said with a smile, sliding my hands into the pockets of my now muddy and wrinkled romper.

He grinned at me and pulled on my waist until I was pressed to his chest. "I would make super hot love to you right now, but I'm kinda drunk, and I would want to remember it if I did it. Plus, you still have a lot of people to get home."

I chuckled and looked back at the car, dreading having to get all those people back out again. "Well, I might just leave them in the car, naked or not."

"Sounds like a plan. But for now, I think I would really like a sexy goodnight kiss, even though I won't remember it tomorrow," Kyle muttered against my hair.

"You know, for a drunk guy, you seem to be really sober," I whispered just before pressing my lips to his.



I'm actually really enjoying writing this story and promise to try and update regularly.

I love comments and votes, and I'm also open to scene suggestions for the story.

Hope you all liked what I have so far!


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