Chap. 13

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"Keenon, please wake up," I practically whined into his ear, shaking his shoulders.

It was 4:00 AM and I had just gone through the grueling process of dropping off Lacy and Lance at her apartment. Fortunately, their drunken ramblings woke up some of their apartment friends who gladly pitched in to carry them inside.

After leaving those two, I realized I had no idea where to take Toby, so I drove the three of us to my place, which brought me to where I was now.

"Keenon!" I yelled right in his face.

He slowly opened his eyes and glared at me. "What do you want, woman?"

I stepped back and put my hands on my hips. "Get out of the freaking car and go inside."

His eyes lolled upward in a squint to meet mine, the street light shining down on his disheveled hair and stained clothes. "No," he grumbled, curling back into himself.

I stared at him, wondering when in the world this guy would sober up. How long did it take to stop being drunk or at least pass out for good?

"Keenon, I swear I will dump ice water all over you if you don't get up," I warned.

"I thought I was supposed to be the one to make you wet," he mumbled with a chuckle, rolling over in my leather seat and suddenly falling out onto the pavement with a grunt.

"Well you were closer than I thought," he said to the pavement with his nose pressed against it.

"Come on idiot, I think it's about time you got to your bed and stayed asleep. For days."

I looped my arm around his waist and pulled up, gradually bringing him to his feet. "Can you walk?"

He mumbled something I couldn't understand before slurring out, "Give me just five more minutes, Andrea, just five." He whispered the last part with his eyes closed and his fingers held up.

I lost my patience with him for that moment and dropped him back onto the sidewalk, turning my attention to Toby. I grimaced at his still naked body, only clad in a damp towel. This night had to be straight from hell.



My head exploded the very second I woke up, making me moan and roll my head away from the light that was coming from some evil, wretched place. It took a minute or two for me to be able to register things, and I realized quite suddenly that I was very naked.

My eyes yanked open to see my room bathed in dim sunlight from my open window. I was flat on my back in my bed with only my white sheets covering me. I went to push myself up but found my hand was stopped by something soft, and when I looked down at what it was, I yelped.

My hand was gently holding a tiny white kitten that was very much asleep in my palm, nestled against my fingers. I stared at it in utter confusion until a throat cleared and I looked up.

"You insisted that we save it," she said with a yawn. "It was behind one of the building's trash cans outside when I was pulling you inside, and you literally would not come in until I let you keep it."

I looked from her, to the kitten, to my naked body, then back to her in bewilderment. Opening my mouth to speak was a bad idea as my throat suddenly burned and ached, adding to the throbbing in my head.

"Here," she said, handing me a cup of coffee and two pills.

I took them without hesitation before asking, "Do I want to know what happened?"

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