Chap. 22

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"Well where the hell is she then?!" I yelled, throwing my arms up in aggravation as Toby stood quietly by the door to my dressing room.

"I said, I don't know. Last time I spoke with Lacy, she said Soda hadn't shown up to pick up her and Lance. No one can reach her, so I seriously don't know," he said with slight irritation.

"I can't fight like this, she could be hurt or lost or her car might have broken down or-"

"Keenon, dude," Toby said steadily, coming over to put a hand on my bare shoulder, "What is wrong with you? Calm down."

I took a breath and nodded once, bouncing on the balls of my feet as I awaited my fight in ten minutes.

"It's just... she said she was gonna come," I said somewhat angrily.

"I'm sorry man, I know how much it would have meant to have someone there again-"

"Just don't, Toby, don't," I bit out, yanking my head in the direction of my opening door.

"Eight minutes till fight time, Keenon," called Karen, a supporter and friend of mine.

I nodded at her but looked back at her slightly uncomfortable stance as she lingered by the door.

"What," I growled, glaring at her.

She flinched at my tone a little and swallowed before saying quietly, "Just thought you would want to know that...uh, your brother is here with Andrea."

I let my fists clench and jaw tighten in anger, but my heart and resolve to be okay crumbled at hearing Andrea's name. She was here, with my big brother, for I don't know what reason. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and sat down with a thud on the couch. I couldn't do this again, not with her watching.

"Don't do this, Keenon," Toby pleaded. "Please just-"

"Don't tell me what to do!" I yelled at him, glaring at him from my seat.

"You have a fight in five minutes!" he screeched, eyes angry and impatient. "Get over your fucking ex and grow up!"

"You don't know anything!" I yelled as I stood up quickly and glowered at him, ignoring a fearful Karen as she attempted to separate us and failed.

"I know that I'm sick and tired of being your punching bag! Stop letting a bitch run your life and go out there to fight! I'm trying to talk to Keenon 'Reeper' Baden, not Keenon 'knocked-on-his-ass-because-he-doesn't-have-the-balls-to-suck-it-up' Baden! Find my best friend and tell him I'm tired of waiting for him to get back," Toby spat in my face, inches from me as we stared off.

Before I had time to think about it, my fist connected with his face and his head jerked to the side with a crunch. He slowly came back around and spit blood in my face, stepping forward with his hand drawn back. I tensed, ready to fight already, but a familiar brunette stepped in between us with her head turned to Toby.

"Was all that seriously necessary?" she asked with a hiss. "Leave him alone, idiot."

Toby's mouth dropped open as I smirked at him, but then Soda turned to me and I could see the glint of some unknown emotion in her eyes.

"You. Stop freaking out on everyone and calm down. You fight in three minutes, Andrea is in the middle section, and I'll be right there by the ring. You're gonna be fine."

Her voice was firm but soothing, as if calming a panicked child, and honestly, that's what I felt like. Andrea's presence had been doing that to me since she chose Alex over me without one single regret.

I took a breath and made myself relax, earning a barely there, ever so soft smile from Soda as she turned back to Toby and pulled his head down a bit.

"You guys, don't ever fight again. It's dumb," she muttered, checking his bloody face while he stayed perfectly still to let her.

I rolled my eyes and fell back on the couch with a huff, already knowing I wasn't prepared well for this fight. I had the worst feeling that I was going to screw up this big fight in front of Andrea and Alex. It made me sick again.

Before I knew it, Soda was pulling me to my feet and out the door, my name having been called to the ring. I knew I was about to break under the pressure and panic, my breaths coming in short gasps as I went along in a haze. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, why I couldn't keep it together, but the only thing different at this fight was Andrea's presence with Alex. It just messed me up seeing the two of them happy together. In any case, I was embarrassing myself. I needed to shake it off.

We got to the edge of the area and I turned to a stiff looking Toby as he put in my mouth guard while I bounced on the balls of my feet. He was pissed at me, but I didn't really care at that moment. My fighting career was at stake tonight, I had to focus.

When a soft hand rested on my bicep, all my thoughts of focus went out the window as I looked down into her captivating green eyes.

"You will win," she said so firmly I immediately believed her. "Nothing else matters right now, nothing. You are going to be great."

I wanted to wrap my arms around her so badly, but she stepped away and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me to wonder where she had even come from and where she had been as I jogged through the throngs of people on my way to the ring.

I stepped up with my respected opponent, and just like Soda said, I forgot everything else. My eyes trained just on him and I forgot my ex-girlfriend, my brother, my fight with Toby - everything was replaced with the image of amazing light green eyes telling me I was going to be great.

I remembered her faith in me as I took the first swing and began my fight for victory.



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