Chap. 32

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I carried Soda up the stairs and unlocked the door to the apartment after a few seconds of struggling with the keys. I knew it wasn't smart to let people with head injuries sleep, but Soda was out almost thirty minutes into the drive home. I didn't have the heart to wake her up, so I turned her screeching phone off and just carried her. Brody and Matt had been calling nonstop, but the evil side of me didn't care and left them hanging.

I set her down on the couch, pushing her bangs from her face before walking to the kitchen. I hadn't eaten all day, and honestly, my stomach was trying to consume itself at the moment. It was dark in the apartment since I hadn't stopped to turn on lights, so the glow from the fridge basically illuminated the entire kitchen for me.

I fixed myself a sandwich and glass of apple juice, realizing Soda was getting me hooked on the stuff. The knife went in the sink while I scarfed down my food, literally not even making it across the room before the sandwich was gone. I began to chug my apple juice when a whimper caught my attention.

I jerked my head to the side and looked at Soda. She was still asleep, face blank. I shrugged and grabbed the remote to the TV, flipping through channels hoping to find a good cop show or something. I shucked out of my shirt absentmindedly, standing in my jeans while I went back to drinking my apple juice. A scream rippled through the air and my cup went crashing to the ground.

I jolted and whirled around, eyes wide when I saw Soda lash out in her sleep. I sprinted the few steps to her and sat down next to her writhing body, shocked to hear her hoarse voice talking in her sleep.

"No, please don't.. No! Leave her alone!" Her voice was raspy and cute and terrified and haunted and heart wrenching all at the same time, her face scrunched in pain and fear.

My chest squeezed painfully as I tried to wake her up, but she only screamed louder and whimpered fearfully, writhing in her sleep to get away from me. I started to just watch helplessly, but my heart wouldn't let her stay in that awful place alone, so I laid down next to her and wrapped my arms around her tightly to stop the thrashing. She bucked and pushed against me, screaming to be let go, but I held on, murmuring comforting words in her ear. I kissed her cheek, then her nose, her tightly closed eyes, her furrowed forehead, her clenched jaw, and finally her pursed, pink lips. I massaged the muscles in her back as they tensed so hard they twitched in knots.

"Soda, baby, please wake up," I pleaded softly, hating to see her like this. So helpless and afraid.

Her eyes suddenly just opened, clear and wide awake. She stared at me for a long time before trying to push away from me, but I held her to my chest.

"I can't believe you saw that!" she cried in humiliation, voice shaky and barely understandable.

I shushed her and tucked her face into my neck. "Don't think about it, baby. Just breathe."

I heard her chuckle. "It sounds like you're bringing me back down from an orgasm."

I tightened my hold on her and pecked her forehead. "I like that better than what just happened."

She sighed, an annoyed sound really, and pulled back to look at me. "Don't stay with me when I'm like that, Keenon. It does me no good."

"Why not?" I asked slowly.

"People don't stick around," she said with a shrug, "I can't go getting used to someone being there or I'll never get over it. I deal with it alone."

I shook my head stubbornly and gave her a firm look. "I'm not going anywhere, sorry. I'll come any time I hear you at night, whether you want me to or not."

She glared at me and yelled in her high pitched, airy voice that she was still stuck with, "You can't do that! You can't just barge-"

I covered her mouth with mine, not surprised when she bit down hard on my bottom lip so that it bled, but somehow that just turned me on. I didn't pull away as I gently slid my free hand around her neck and stroked her cheek with my thumb while I still held her in my other arm. She fought it at first, but then took my breath away as she kissed me back with such force I felt it all the way in my jeans, if you know what I mean...

"Soda," I moaned as she licked over the bite on my lip. She was driving me crazy with just a kiss and I loved it.

Wait a minute! Why am I letting this badass chick dominate me? I'm Keenon Baden, badass for the entirety of my life!

I pushed her back onto the couch and used my body to pin her squirming muscles down as I slid my tongue into her mouth and played with hers. It was so unbelievably soft and warm, I never knew a tongue could feel so good. She had no choice but to let me explore her mouth, but she wasn't protesting at all either. She kissed back with just as much passion as I had started it with.

I stopped myself by pulling back when I found my body resting between her legs. I was so not ready to stop, but this was Soda, and I would not be just another fling with her, or vise versa. I would not get caught up in the moment. I didn't want her to be one of the many other girls I had had.

"How about that movie?" she whispered in my ear, giving me chills.

I grinned at the way we both heaved for air together. "You sound so damn sexy and so freaking cute when your voice cuts out."

She smirked at me, but I saw the blush she was hiding in her cheeks. It was too cute. "Movie?" she reminded me.

"Oh yeah," I mumbled, suddenly aware of what had just happened. "Did we just...." I began slowly, looking down at Soda as I got off her.

She chuckled. "Yes, yes we did just play tonsil hockey on the couch with you half naked and me half mental."

I nodded with a sigh. "Thought so." I ran a hand through my hair while I clicked on Netflix and typed in HOMEWARD BOUND. "What does that make us exactly?" I asked, a little nervous.

"Human," she replied in a bored tone.

I huffed and shot her a look. "I mean, I thought we hated each other."

She grinned at nothing and laughed softly. "We do. I hate your guts, but hot damn, I love your lips."

I felt my heart speed up and my cheeks heat, so I turned my attention back to the screen and clicked on the movie, already thinking it was going to be stupid.

"For the record, I love your lips too," I muttered, flopping back on the couch beside her, this time on my stomach with my chin propped on my arms as I looked at the TV.

She turned onto her stomach too and copied my pose. "Good to know. We both love the other's lips. Yay us," she said sarcastically with an eye roll.

I nudged her and sang out, "You love it! Admit it!"

She gave me a dull look and shoved my cheek so I looked back at the screen. "Just watch the movie."

"You didn't deny it," I pointed out with a grin.

"If you don't shut up, I'm never kissing you again," she hissed.

I raised my brows and wiggled them. "So if I shut up, you'll kiss me?"

She growled and smacked a pillow into the back of my head, making me laugh. "Just watch the movie."

I turned my attention to the TV, but said over my shoulder, "You still have to tell me what went down today. I'm so lost."

I heard her sigh. "Play psychiatrist tomorrow. Right now, go back to being a dick so it's easier to scream at you for being annoying."

I leaned over and bit her ear. "As you wish."

Then I rolled over and crushed her underneath me while wiggling obnoxiously, looking at the TV upside down.

"Keenon," she grunted from beneath me, "fatass... off."

I just threw my head back and laughed. "Not a chance."

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