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jisung looked at the man with wide eyes, "one chance?" he mumbled and minho stood up.

the older pulled out a cigarette and opened a window, then sat down on the chair next to the window and light up the drug.

"you know, jisung, you are very interesting." he said taking the smoke in, "no one has ever shouted or talked back at me." he finished and if jisung was nervous before he was terrified now.

jisung looked around the room, everything was black, the bed, the sheets, the walls, everything, the only thing that was not black was a fluffy white dog that was laying in the corner of the room, sleeping peacfully.

"i could just kill you here and now." minho chuckled and jisung stood up quickly walking towards the other, he kneeled down and hung his head low, "p-please let me go, i promise to not tell anyone about any of this." he whispered softly and minho chuckled lowly.

he placed his hand on jisungs' chin and made jisung look up at him, "jisung-ah..." he mumbled, "i have an offer."

jisung knitted his brows, "sit down please." minho said, gesturing to the chair in front of him.

"you will marry me." minho said straight-forward.

jisungs' eyes went wide open, "w-what?" he mumbled and minho repeated himself, "you will marry me, han jisung, that way i won't need to kill you, you and your family will be safe."

"j-just kill me!" jisung shouted.

"do you think killing you will end this? no. if i kill you, we will need to kill your family, do you want that jisung?" minho asked lowly and the male shook his head as a 'no'. "so, my uncle is even more heartless than i am, all these men listen to him and me. if i tell someone to kill you, they will. do you want that jisung?" and again, jisung just shook his head softly.

minho chuckled, he threw the cig out and sat up straight. "you interest me han jisung. something about you makes me want to know all your secrets, all about you." he mumbled, "this has never happened."

jisung looked up with puppy eyes, "there really is no other way?" he whispered and minho pressed his lips together, "there is, i can kill your whole blood line."

the room was dead quiet. 

"i can't do this." jisung said and stood up quickly walking towards the door, but to his luck, it was locked. minho chuckled, "then..." he said standing up, "you leave me no other choice." he finished taking his gun out.

jisung turned around and looked the male in his eyes, he gulped, "what's your name?" he mumbled.

minho narrowed his eyes, "what did you just ask me?" he coldly spat and the younger fidgeted with his little fingers.

"i need to know the name of my fiancé, don't i?" he whispered.


"he what?" felix shouted and seungmin nodded, "yeah, hyung said he will marry that doctor guy." he repeated himself, taking a bite of his burger.

felix looked around in disbelief, "i was so sad that the kid will die and now he will be like our second boss?" he chuckled and seungmin rolled his eyes, "no, felix, minho decided to marry him not because he wants him to be your second boss."

seungmin, felix and changbin were minhos' childhood friends, they had no secrets between each other, they knew everything that other members of the lee mafia didn't.

"minho simply said that he looked through his background and that it would be safer to keep him with us, now that jisung knows where we are based at, and considering the fact that his brother is a cop it's too dangerous to let him out. actually, jisung was-" seungmin was interrupted by changbin, "please don't finish that sentence, minho will tell you one day felix."

felix threw his hands in the air dramatically, "i'm the only one who doesn't know?" and seungmin sighed, "you're the one who is sensitive here, not us." changbin nodded at that.

they all were sitting in changlix' bedroom, casually eating their dinner that felix had ordered, the new barbie movie was playing in the background. they may be in the mafia, but they all have a sweet side.

changbin and felix started dating a few years after minho became the mafia leader, they always had liked each other but were too scared to commit. felix was always the one with the soft heart in the mafia, he didn't kill, he didn't hurt people, he was there basically because he was the hacker, and a driver sometimes. changbin was like minhos right hand. he did everything and anything minho demanded. seungmin? he was a medical student once, that's why he is here, he takes care of the hurt ones, treats their wounds and stuff.

there were a lot more men who were members of the lee mafia, they all did as minho told in order to be safe and gain lots of money. everyone in the lee mafia was safest here, minho took the best care of his men. 

"do you think he likes the boy?" felix suddenly spoke up and changbin shook his head, "you know minho, he is not the type to fall in love at first sight." he said and the freckled boy nodded softly.

suddenly their thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, there stood minho. he sighed and walked in the room, closing the door behind him.

"god why is he such a cry baby..." he mumbled and felix chuckled, "why did you even keep him?" he asked quietly and minho closed his eyes slowly.

the oldest sat down on the chair in the corner of the room and sighed sadly, "trust me, i wanted to end his life, but when san brought me up the information about him i just couldn't." minho started and the boys exchanged looks.

"what do you mean, hyung?" seungmin slowly questioned. 

minho sat up straight, "i mean that han jisung is the gem we have been looking for." he said and they all were even more confused, "turns out, the snake once had an interest in this boy, he wanted to marry him, they were engaged and shit but jisung backed off, suddenly he disappeared from the snakes life." minho explained, "i think the guy just got scared once he found out what his fiancé was doing."

changbin chuckled lowly, "who wouldn't get weirded out once they find out their lover is actually a pedophile who sells innocent kids." he said and felix nodded softly, "poor boy..."

"it's brilliant to keep jisung with us, it's only natural that the snake will come once he gets the wedding invitation, then we can get him." minho continued and seungmin nodded at that, "god i have been dying to catch that dumbshit." he breathed out and minho smiled softly.

"we will need jisungs' help in this." felix said and once again, minho nodded, "that's why i took him here." he turned to face the door, "you can let him in!"

a black dressed man walked in with a very scared jisung beside him, once the boy was in the room, the man bowed lightly and left.

jisung looked around and for some reason he felt at ease once his eyes landed on seungmin, who was smiling softly at him.

"you can come sit." minho said and the doctor sat on the chair beside minho. 

minho took a out a cigarette and turned to face the younger, "jisung do you know kim joo?" he suddenly asked.

everyone in the room were looking at the mentioned boy, trying to see what reaction will minho get out of this.

and jisung reacted just how they expected, he looked rather scared by the question, his eyes went wide open and he gulped visibly. 

"i d-do." the doctor whispered lowly.

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