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"i can't, i'm sorry." jisung said and pulled his hand away from minhos' grip. he made his way to the table he was sat at, picked his purse and coat up and made his way towards the exit.

minho stood there dumbfounded, staring into the empty place besides him, he really thought jisung might feel the same, how dumb.

the older scoffed and looked up, eyes already getting teary.

"jisung wait!" another familiar voice interrupted the younger from leaving and he stopped in his tracks.

"please, don't leave again." a broken seungmin mumbled.

he lost jisung once, he couldn't let the boy just walk away like that again. he missed the chats they had and the boy in general.

seungmin walked up to jisung, "i don't care if you hate his guts, if you hate us all. just please," seungmin grabbed jisungs' wrist gently, "please don't leave again." he cried out.

jisung swore he was about to break down here and then. no one knew how much he missed them all, how much he missed minho especially. how much he wanted to run and hug the older so tight he couldn't breath.

the doctor turned around, a single tear running down his chubby cheek. he looked at seungmin, who already was a crying mess. jisung quickly embraced seungmin into a warm hug, "i'm sorry." seungmin mumbled and jisung mumbled a small "it's ok." back.

minho looked at the two, his heart aching at the scene. he was at fault for all of this. he made jisung hate everyone, even his own brother chan.

jisung looked towards minho and smiled sadly to himself. once he pulled away from seungmin he bowed to everyone as an apology, "sorry if i ruined the mood for the party, everyone, please have fun tonight." he said smiling at everyone softly.

"could we have a chat privately, mr. lee?" he asked looking at the older, who quickly nodded and made his way towards the younger.

they were outside and jisung took a deep breath in, "this is nice..." he mumbled, to which minho hummed. "it's nice only because you are with me." jisung finished, smiling.

minho looked at the boy confused, so jisung continued, "i missed you like crazy, minho."

"are you saying..."

"i'm saying i'm giving you a chance, lee minho." jisung chuckled upon seeing minhos' shocked face.

minho quickly hugged the younger, "shit, sung, i missed you so much."

the two catched up with each other, laughter filling the backyard of minhos' huge mansion.

the night was truly a one to remember.

sun shining bright into his face woke him up. he groaned in his sleep and moved around a little, but his eyes opened abruptly as he felt a strong grip around his bare waist.

jisung looked around the room, this was not his room, not his apartment. he looked to the side and saw a sleeping minho next to him, cuddling him from behind.

the doctor swore his breath hitched at the sight, ho looked around once again and noticed the clothing on the floor and the messy hair of his in the reflection of him on the mirror besides minhos' bed.

he sighed and closed his eyes, suddenly remembering last night events.

his face quickly changed into a blushing one and the boy groaned in frustration. since he was in his own little world, he didn't even notice the boy next to him waking up.

"morning." minhos' raspy voice went straight into jisungs' ear, sending shivers down his spine. "how'd you sleep?"

jisung cleared his throat, burrying his face into the covers, trying to hide the blush covering his face. "good..." he mumbled.

a knock on the door interrupted the two, "come out to have breakfast, felix made pancakes!" chan shouted from outside the door.

minho sighed, tightening his grip around jisungs' bare waist, making the boy blush even more.

"did something happen yesterday...?" jisung whispered and minho chuckled, "you don't remember?" he asked, his voice somehow sounding sad.

jisung gulped, "not everything."

"then you have to find out it yourself, i ain't telling you." minho teased the boy, kissing the top of his head and leaving the bed. "you can wear my sweats if you want. i'll be downstairs, come when you're ready." minho said, leaving the room with clothing in his hands.

jisung turned to lay on his back, recalling last night events once again. minho was his first for everything. he stole everything, and jisung wasn't mas about it.

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